please help as soon as possible i got a pic to

so i am extreamly confused both of these plants are in vegative stage right ? ive been giving them 18/6 like i was told! and when do i know so they are in flowering stage or in otherwards when do i know i am ready to flip the lights to 12/12? im growing these in soil btw ?

also i did a recent transplant from a red cup like the other, from the looks its looking like it loved the transplant lots more room>!!!!! let ,me know some tip thanks all appreciated a ton!!!!


Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
so am i doing it right like, i dotn have time to watch video untill later i just need to know if i need to switch to 12/12 before its to late.
Before it's too late for what? The longer you wait, the bigger your yield in the end. Probably. But, you can flip anytime you want. If they were mine, I'd wait at least another hour so I could watch that video first. Good luck!


Lol longer you keep in 18/6 theoretically the more bud you will get, longer you will have to wait for final product but it's your choice... It's just advice.. You can do whatever the fuck you wanna do


Active Member
You can flower any sized plant. You won't miss anything by letting it wait longer. There is no "too late". Usually I will let a plants get about 3 feet tall before flowering, but that's kind of because of the amount of space I have...Good luck.


Active Member
on another note, you are going to waste time and money on this if you aren't willing to figure out what you are doing. You'll end up with some crappy bud and you'll blame it on something else. Knowing what vegetative stage is and looks like is a pretty simple thing.

When this plant gets less than 12 hours of darkness it doesn't have enough time to build up sufficient levels of the chemical needed to flip the plant into the flowering stage and make the plant start producing flowers instead of just growing leaves and branches. While you are running 18/6 some people do 20/4 and others do a 24 hour light cycle for veg (myself included).

Spending an hour watching the video is the least of what you need to do. Spend hours talking to experienced growers, spend hours reading on here, spend hours watching videos on's a long road to having dense, seed free bud....but you'll get there.


Well-Known Member
so am i doing it right like, i dotn have time to watch video untill later i just need to know if i need to switch to 12/12 before its to late.
Thats fine, but as stated these are the kinds of things that show you how to be a better grower. Learning it is a process and it takes an investment of time. Otherwise you could just be wasting the time you are investing.