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  1. S

    leaves on my plant are rusting

    Looks like a potassium deficiency. 1 table spoon of Epsom salt to 4 litres of water will fix it up
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    stress in veg affecting yeild?

  3. S

    stress in veg affecting yeild?

    Does anyone know if plants are stressed and stunted during vegetative state, but then comes good again before it goes into flower, will this affect the quality or yield in the end? Does it permanently weaken the strain, or does it come back to how it was before?
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    Leaves "clawing" and yellowing

    If it was nitrogen over kill, it wouldn't have yellowing bottom leaves. It more sounds like a nitrogen deficency than anything, with the leaves clawing, that's sometimes caused by heat stress, but not always. It's hard to say for sure without pics
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    Advice please

    The yellowing is nothing to worry about there, slight yellowing during flowering stage is normal, jus as long its not too much. Best time to harvest is when 70-75% of the pistils have turned from wire to Brown. To be more accurate, harvest when trichomes (THC) have gone from clear-cloudy to an...
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    Help! Yellow leaves everywhere, remove or leave? any advice(plenty good pics)

    It's a nitrogen deficiency. It would be defo root bound in a small pot like that as well, but its too far into flowering to transplant
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    !!!major leaf curl now nurning purple brown please help!!!!

    Could be a few things.. too much heat but the fact that you say purple sounds like its a phosphorus deficiency or fert burn..but its hard to be certain without pics.
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    Seedling Leaves Curling Up

    its from heat stress, 1000 watt Mh puts out way too much heat to have seedlings that close to them. Now that they are under a 400 watt it should solve ur problem as long as u don't have it too close. Put the back of ur hand under the light at the same height of the plant for 30 secs, if its too...
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    nute burn or deficiency?

    I've got it under a 150 MH.Dunno what the temp is but I know it was a bit too hot cos I could tell there was heat stress on the leaves so I raised the light up yesterday.. do u reckon just the heat would cause them to look so unhealty tho? There is also a fungus gnat problem which I'm working...
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    help restore deficiencies leaves with glass like tips

    Weak stem a stretching is from a lack of lighting, if indoors put ur light closer, if outdoors, move to a place with more direct sunlight. Have no i dea what u mean by glass like tho..
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    need help asap plant dyin!!!!!!!!!!

    U gotta be more specific, it sounds like it needs more water but its hard to diagnose with what you have told us.. if u can post a pic I can prob tell u what the problem is
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    i think i messed up fimming my plant, what to do?

    It's up to you... If u still want it topped in the same place, then cut it just below ur last attempt
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    Pale yellow leaves

    Could be a number of things bro.. u gotta be more specific or if u post some pics, I can help u out
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    nitrogen deficiency?

    Defiantly a zinc defincancy. No nitrogen problems there. Other than that, looks good.
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    To vegetate longer or not? this is the question

    I would defiantly wait til I have got all problems fixed first before putting into flower. You want minimal stress while flowering or it will decrease your yield. And if its only a foot tall, that's another reason to keep vegging, in my experience its definatly worth being patient and getting...
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    Getting too tall

    Tie em down defo.. increases yield and if they stick up too much the will be recognised by ppl u don't want seeing them
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    is this sunburn or something else?

    Yeah its ozone damage, it didn't look anything major tho, so don't stress
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    Overwatered seeds?? Help!!

    Just be patient, they should be sweet. Just make sure the soil is always moist. To stop this happening again u can put a ssmall clear dome over it to keep humidity in. Using a small coke bottle with the bottom cut off works well
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    moon shaped leaves on my 4 week old babies

    There's nothing to be worried about from the look of those pics