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  1. S

    Why is my plant drooping

    Easy, just saturate it before u tip it upside down to take the pot off. I would defo transplant that into some better soil, you will have nothing but dramas growing in clay soils, as well as having a much lower yield as apposed to coco voir or an organic mix. Trust me, if u put it in better...
  2. S

    no buds

    The only things I can think of is that your plants sent sexually mature yet but it didn't take long in a plants life for that stage.. or its a male, if there are balls showing with a small stem attached to it at the base of each node, as apposed to a calyx with white hairs. And, missnu, u got...
  3. S

    nute burn or deficiency?

    Im growing in coco and compost mix 50/50, Im using the same mix from my last crop, which thrived. Now these ones look fucked.. I've been growing for years and never had dramas like this..I've flushed them, did nothing, I've added Epsom salt, then they looked even worse, flushed again a few days...