Overwatered seeds?? Help!!


Well-Known Member
Hello, I had germinated several seeds in the paper towel method, had to leave for a full day so gave extra water, turns out almost none evaporated and the tap roots stopped growing, some are a little brown at the ends. Have I just killed my seeds or will they live through this?? I dried the paper towel back to just moist, should I plant the seeds as they are, most are cracked with a small tap root that hasn't grow in almost 2 days


Well-Known Member
Hello, I had germinated several seeds in the paper towel method, had to leave for a full day so gave extra water, turns out almost none evaporated and the tap roots stopped growing, some are a little brown at the ends. Have I just killed my seeds or will they live through this?? I dried the paper towel back to just moist, should I plant the seeds as they are, most are cracked with a small tap root that hasn't grow in almost 2 days
Damp paper towel and wait a couple days. If it can't progress there it won't in soil.


Well-Known Member
I would plant'em right a way in a 18 oz cup with just
enough wet dirt on top. The is how I germinate my
seeds now I put'em in a glass of water go to bed when
I wake up the seeds that sink are good I put'em all
in one cup of sunshine mix 4 put a little wet dirt on
top of them cover with plastic put under a light for
2 or 3 day them dump the dirt off the top of the cup
them you plant the best looking ones in their own cup
and keep covered with plastic till the shell pop off
I used to use the baggie paper towel method but it's easy
to get it too wet the method above is great it's really hard to
mess it up~



Well-Known Member
i just tried a method UB mentioned, i put the seeds in a cup of water for 12 hours, all 4 were still floating after the 12 hours, put them in some jiffy's and they sprouted a day later, dunno if this will work for you as they have already cracked, but maybe something to try in future :)

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i put mine in a cup of water untill a tap root comes out. i never get any overwatering of them. i normally only let the taproot get about one cm


Well-Known Member
I put them into some soil burried close to the surface, it's been 3 days now and no sign of any movement.
The small tap root about a quarter inch is still there just not growing


Just be patient, they should be sweet. Just make sure the soil is always moist. To stop this happening again u can put a ssmall clear dome over it to keep humidity in. Using a small coke bottle with the bottom cut off works well