is this sunburn or something else?


Active Member
So my strain is Master Kush from Nirvana, and im growing her outside in 5gal smartpots with Fox Farm OF soil and the Fox Farm liquid trio and molasses for nutes....

Its been 95-100+ degrees here in Cali for more than a week and thats right about the time this started. I use neem oil (correctly at night only) and water at night too but have fed them with nutes twice in the middle of the day (out of necessity bc of wilting leaves and it was feeding day) ....could this be the problem? Is it absorbing the nutes when its too hot and burning them? I havent fed them since Monday and am scared to try again (today is feeding day)

Btw this is a pic of a severely damaged leaf. The other ones are just turning whitish/yellowish in the middle of the leaf for now but eventually get like this



Active Member
Alright koo thanks...just overprotective i guess haha
...the heat has subsided and i bought some potassium silicate so i should be good


Well-Known Member
The neem oil is coating the leaves and when it gets hot enough they sizzle like a sausage. Stop the neem oil.


Well-Known Member
The grow Im helping a friend with has the same issue. Came on a few months ago, she flushed etc and it went away. Happened again a few weeks ago, it went away but all those yellow spots in the middle of the leaves turned white, then crispy. And now it's happening again.

No one could figure out the problem, but she flushed, used some cal mag since the water is very soft and has little in it, and paid more attention to ph. So we don't know which was the "cure"

But it is not sunburn. Plants handle the sun fine, every summer temps are typically in the nineties into the low one hundreds with no issues. I see so many posts lately about sunburn...unless you are at an extremely high elevation, ain't gonna happen


Well-Known Member
Having said that, the problem is back. Start with either yellowing or rust spots just like the op's picture. I've showed pictures here and at hydro shops and non one can say with certainty what the problem is. It's ann odd issue for sure


Active Member
So should i flush? I use good tap water and my pH is at 6.5...I've also stopped using the neem oil...will be using pyrethrins once a week until fourth week of harvest and potassium silicate in the feedings. It was 96 degrees today and they didn't wilt or anything (have been lately). I mulched with perlite and used the silicate in the watering yesterday


Active Member
Im having a hard time thinking its not ozone damage... i moved my plants into shade midday and the problem subsided. My ph is fine, i use 2 different water sources for my two grow sites but it happened to both (same strain)... only commonalities are the sun and neem oil...the strain is rated indoor/outdoor so maybe its a little sensitive.... and the temps aren't really my concern but the high UV index in my area (9/10) regardless of temps. I bought some potassium silicate and its helped with the wilting and heat stress though so maybe that had something to do with it

Ill update if it comes back, thanks guys