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  1. C

    Fungus Gnats

    It's kinda a super soil mix. Mostly FFOF will be the soil. Just a lot of added minerals & etc.. However, I'll be conjuring my own organic nutes. So feed will be cake walk. Or will it? Well see. I think as far as experimenting with different kind of mediums is not happening within this...
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    Fungus Gnats

    Soil Fi!.. You know that brotha! I've been busy my friend- sorry you havent heard from me! I've been working on making compost bins and a worm farm for castings! Today going to buy some Red Wigglers! They were closed yesterday :( I think I'll be sticking with soil for some time. Once...
  3. C

    Fungus Gnats

    Well.. I've searched the forums pretty well and it seems like everyone has a different ways to kill these bastards. Post what you do and how well it works! I've just had about enough of these guys...
  4. C

    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    Amazon shits on eBay with the shipping. Big time! That's sick man. I like DIY's.. Gives me something to do! And bragging rights! Lol.. Red Wigglers are like 45mins away from me C_C . I gave up trying to dig them up. My back yard has holes all over it randomly from trying. Lol Yeah dude...
  5. C

    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    Thanks dewd. Tmrw morning I'm going to hit up that Red Wiggler place and grab some w0rms. Did u start ur farm yet? I got a 32gal trash can from Walmart in the garden section. It has a twist-lock-able lid. I drilled holes all on the side and top . Makes it easy to roll to get a good mix...
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    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    My compost bin is filled - and sitting out! Now to light one up and let time fly by for 8-12wks.. I wont accept anything less than GOLD!
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    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    I already have a worm bin made, just need to get my reg wigglers mayne! Just got back in from dinner - bought my trash can bin for compost making! Woot.
  8. C

    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    FUCK I knew what compost was, but not in the way you were saying it. Damnit I feel like an idiot. Haha anyways. OMW to buy a bin and make my own compost. Yay for wait..... :) Might as well start my worm farm.. Got to find red wigglers.. ASKdAKJSDKAJSDKAJSD
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    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    Sorry newbish here; define compost for this?
  10. C

    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    Hey- just wondering . Can you clarify what exactly do you 're-amend? Just the Nutritional and Mineral?
  11. C

    First Time Grower

    It's looking a little better. I used the coffee grinder to grind up the shells. Pretty powdery and smelly C_C
  12. C

    My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

    Hey s420 , what pots are you using? I'm thinking of grabbing some Geopots @ 3lbs when I do this same soil mix and grow (1wk 18/6 to 12/12) I tried real hard to find red worm around here by digging- no luck. Found a red worm farmer but he's mad far. 4 bucks fo 25 worms though. Sheittt...
  13. C

    First Time Grower

    Haha well I can tell you so far my MG Organic grow sucks. I just transplanted my good one (with mg organic) into FFOF , still with the 1gal MG organic. Didn't want to shake off the roots because it looked root bound actually. I'm sure the others are that bad as well. Just no extra soil and...
  14. C

    Bag Space Question

    Hey RIU, I have a 4ft x 4ft x 6.5ft grow tent. Plenty big for me since I plan on doing 1wk veg then switch to 12/12. Now this is where I'm stumped.. Should I just stick with 3gal buckets? If so how many do you think I can fit / should buy. BY THE WAY.. I'm going to be getting...
  15. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    pH pen came in today. Actualy my pH is fine.. Hmm... Anyways. I'll keep you up to date with what happens, progress or not. I keep a pretty detailed journal so that way I dont run into this again. Uhg
  16. C

    First Time Grower

    Did that home made cal-mag mix at home and fed them today. Guess only time will tell how they turn out :)
  17. C

    Fluoride in Tap Water. What should I do?

    Thank you for your replies fellas. They just recently readded it back and I forgot all about it! Currently going through some def. problems with the plants. At least that ruled one problem out! Making my own cal-mag solution anyways too.
  18. C

    Oink Oink

    Welcum :clap:
  19. C

    First Time Grower

    You're a crazy man. You probably just saved me countless of hours of research. I transplanted the BEST one out of the four into FFOF straight up. Only perlite I had was a MG Perlite. I said FUCK IT, I'm done with MG... Well damn - it's in 12/12 now. Should I go back to 18/6 till they get...
  20. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    O thank you sir! :hug: I'm working on catching some worms now to start my own worm farm. But I guess to speed things up I'll have to buy worm casting .. Damnit!!