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  1. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Thank you :-) .. I wanted to give the Fox Farm Ocean Forest Mix on the Organic section. A good soil to were I don't need any kind of added nutes/chem from start to finish. So less complications! In that thread he produced some real nice trees! :weed: He did 1wk of 18/6 then switched to...
  2. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Just found this video : Super helpful for Worm Casting / Worm Farm!
  3. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    'Till I get the hang of things more or less - I'll be getting a R/O. But much further down the road. Unless it's really causing me headaches. So heres the question Fi. After this grow - Should I jump into a hydro set up? Or should I still get some time under my belt with soil? I don't...
  4. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Read it in the Organic section. I was asking about R/O Filters and the OP was saying it wasn't worth it. I'm running good tap water anyways - so he just told me to do this process and I should be okay. Yet again - I will not know what the ph is yet. Errrr:evil: Edit : I wanted to use...
  5. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    I hear ya. I just read a lot about all sorts of deficiencies. But still - I'll need help. I'll take pictures tomorrow when the lights come back on. Switch out the bulbs. So I'll be on the right one ! Just started a big bucket of water to let it sit with an air bubble-r . Not sure what the...
  6. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Teehee :) Thanks. Only reason why I held off on taking pictures. Not to mention my plants look sad. Feel kind'a embarrassed on how iffy they're doing
  7. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    I don't have anything cool :B I'll get one z00n enough! Btw ; taking pics is a risk of being caught? O.o? People always talk about that shit.
  8. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Haha should have - correct me! I wont be butt hurt :) I'm here to make friendZ !
  9. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Wait a second - Do I have it backwards? Thought HPS was for Veg and MH was for Flowering? :roll: Edit : SHIT I do have it backwards. Fucking noob. Lmao ... I'll switch it out after it turns off........ God damn it..
  10. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    No sectioned off parts in this tent. Though this tent is BIG (to me) it's not big enough for sectioned out areas. However, I'm sure anythings possible. But I don't like the idea of sharing one space for multiple things. I would like to have everything sectioned off even if it's in different...
  11. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    I just looked up and saw a DIY Clone Machine . Just 100% water based system. Looks legit and guy says it works. I love DIY's. Anyways- Yeah sounds good for the flowering only tent. I'm cool with it. Now how bad would it to veg with my CFL's if I'm only working with so much space? I know...
  12. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Yeah. That's a real good idea. Would you say it's more important to have the tent for the flowering stage ? I like the tent idea. It's much easier for me than trying to set up a room to hang shit. Plus it makes venting all that much easier!
  13. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    While purchasing it- I was making sure it had a lot of red in it! haha. I read up a lot on lights. Just didnt want to dish out the money for a 600w system just in case if I was in over my head. I'm loving this more and more!
  14. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Sorry I worded that wrong. I'm just so excited to learn and talk to someone who is knowledgeable. I was speaking for AFTER this grow. I could always use my FFOF for another test run since I will (after my fan arrives) have a proper environment! I understand general things for hydroponics...
  15. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    I used daylight CFLs before I got my 600w lamp. I used the HPS then switched it to MH when I started 12/12
  16. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    WHELP I just wasted your time with THAT part. I knew that part haha. I just didn't know that was what it meant :( Doh. Yes I started 18/6 for like a month. Decided to go 12/12 last week. However I think I screwed myself with only using 1gal buckets. I need to get some 3gal. Problem is I...
  17. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    Thats insane! Good thing us southerners don't really have to worry about heating things up + adding humidity lol! I'll take all the little help I can get with power saving I guess. I wish Solar Panels were cheap. I'd be all about it ;)
  18. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    I only have experience with outdoor work. Nothing to this extreme. I am experiencing problems now. But I'm ruling them out since I've been more active reading on here. Basically my answer is ; no , I have very little experience with soil (indoor) I do understand the light spectrum and...
  19. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    I'm sure it will have to expand. I don't see my self only being able to work with a 4 x 4 x 6.5 . I constantly want to grow / crop. But - at least I have a start. I still have all my CFL lights I could use for backup.
  20. C

    New fellar. Hey guys!

    I sent you a friend request - it's nice to know good people that are sociably nice :) . I learn fast - but local growers here are stubborn and I guess they don't want me to step on their toes. I actually don't smoke. I just purely love the plant and what it has to offer for other people...