Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!


New Member
4sure brother! Bout to finish that last segment off right now with the last piece from that book :joint:
I know it's a lot of the same ishh in different ways, but that's how I learn best haha. Just seeing thing over and over again until I've absorbed them for good lol.
Then I move on and eventually get back to it!

Some more dope info abound bro. #waiiitttttforrrrrritttttt


New Member
I'll apologize in advance as the pages might not be in order. Either way the into is here to decypher!




New Member
Also more compost and Earthworm castings bro. More "organic" matter essentially, in addition to the nutritional and mineral support.


New Member
All good bro. Compost is decayed organic matter technically.
The compost brings with it a number of beneficial microbes which are essentially little fertilizer bags.

Think of the compost as the foundation of the house, of all the beneficial organism that live in your soil and work for you're plants.

You add the compost to add to the microbe count in the used soil, or to improve you're current soils life support system pretty much.
You add the nutritional and mineral amendments to the soil so that the microbes can feast on them, and break them down into plant food rather than "nutrients".
Organic fertilizers don't do anything until they've been cycled by the micro organisms in the living soil.
Some of the things that we add are broken down over a longer period of time then others, so there's no need to re-amend your soil as much each time(in theory).

But in the end, I think it's safe to think of re-amending as feeding your soil(the microbes within) and sort or renovating the soil ya know?!
Building it back it nicely after nature has taken it's course!
In time you will have built it up so nicely that there will be very little room for improvement, and you'll be able to add less and less...and lesss...In theory :joint:

Compost is prob described like 5 different times in this thread already tho haha! From 5 different books lol :eyesmoke:

I'll admit tho....It does take seeing it OVER AND OVER again to get it if you're not from a farming backround lol.
I'm a witty city boy :leaf:


Well-Known Member
4sure brother! Bout to finish that last segment off right now with the last piece from that book :joint:
I know it's a lot of the same ishh in different ways, but that's how I learn best haha. Just seeing thing over and over again until I've absorbed them for good lol.
Then I move on and eventually get back to it!

Some more dope info abound bro. #waiiitttttforrrrrritttttt
Try using your photografic memory........;-)


New Member
I wish my memory was photographic lol! I smoke wayyyyyy to much for that haha! You know I haven't came down since the 1st of the month lol and we've only got a day left in this one! :leaf:

I just hope that these second gen guys finish prior to 4/20 man! I'm tooo anxious for the cup!


Active Member
FUCK I knew what compost was, but not in the way you were saying it. Damnit I feel like an idiot. Haha anyways. OMW to buy a bin and make my own compost. Yay for wait..... :) Might as well start my worm farm.. Got to find red wigglers.. ASKdAKJSDKAJSDKAJSD


Well-Known Member
The Sunleaves Worm Farm turns kitchen waste into rich, all-natural fertilizer that’s great for any garden. The farm is a four-layer home for red wiggler worms, which will eagerly devour those unwanted food scraps and other wastes. Fill each layer with things like egg shells, newspaper strips and fruit peels and watch as the worms transform it into rich, dark soil. The bottom of the farm also houses a collection tray for “worm tea,” a nutrient-rich liquid byproduct that results from the decomposition and processing of all the natural waste in the farm. This unit, when used properly, is virtually odorless and can be used indoors all year or outdoors so long as the temperature remains between 50° and 85°F. Gardeners will love this environmentally friendly and resourceful way to produce their own fertilizer right at home.

108.00 bucks.


New Member
LOL :eyesmoke:

A few flat tupperware containers, a lid, a stool, a spigot and some holes! :joint:
I'm about to make a micro version of that and get it wiggling HA!

Certainly enough worm bin threads to learn from :bigjoint:


Active Member
I already have a worm bin made, just need to get my reg wigglers mayne!

Just got back in from dinner - bought my trash can bin for compost making! Woot.


Well-Known Member
I just skimmed over the compost teas recipes, and I was wonder how did you come up wit your scaled down version the ones listed? Seeing how they on some 50gal type ish. Or did you just learned what needed to be added and kind of winged it from there?


New Member
I just skimmed over the compost teas recipes, and I was wonder how did you come up wit your scaled down version the ones listed? Seeing how they on some 50gal type ish. Or did you just learned what needed to be added and kind of winged it from there?
Hell yeah I started out just trying some of this and some of that after learning what everything did(like brew fungi or bacteria).
The more I started reading the more I started trying things.
If you give your plants something they don't like they'll tell you within a day or two I feel like.
Likewise, if you give them something they like, they'll show you with a nice green color and nice growth..

Any say the give you a recipe to brew 50 gals and you wanna brew 5 gals or even 1 like I do, you can just scale their recipes down to fit you needs.
The more you read the more it'll click bro. There was a time when I was looking at all this like japanese lol.
Seems like that was yesterday lol :joint:

And as far as the tea brewers and measuring shit in the lab lol, a lot of that I feel like is ppl trying to sell their products.
You can look at your plants and see whether or not if what you're doing is working ya know.