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  1. S

    First Grow, Hows it looking ?

    I know, I'm going to get a better camera very soon. I go away to Amsterdam tomorrow tho and I'm not back until Monday so was just wanting to make sure that wouldn't be to late
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    First Grow, Hows it looking ?

    Hi all ! Just doing my first grow and my babys are 7 weeks into flowering. I was just wondering how I was doing ? I know I've not done it as professional as most people but I aim to improve standards the next time. Sorry for the poo quality pics, they were taken on my phone. Any...
  3. S

    5 weeks flowering

    Hi everyone ! Was just wondering if anyone had any pictures of their plants 5 weeks into flowering ? Mine are now at 5 weeks so there meant to be finished in 3, but I can't see that happening to be honest. This is my first grow so would appreciate seeing what others looked like at this...
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    Global Warming Update

    Nothing, I agree we should find something else other than oil, it's only going to last so long. It's natural progression that we, as a race, find a renewable energy source and stop stripping the planet of its assets. Do you guys like meddling in middle eastern affairs? No Do you guys like...
  5. S

    Global Warming Update

    Considering that the Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old, and we've been keeping records of temperature for the past 120 years (max) How can we possibly make any assumption about climate change and expect it to be correct. To put it in perspective thats less than 0.0000000266 % of the Earths...
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    Global Warming Update

    I like how you chose to show the last 100 years, and granted, looking at that, it does create the illusion that its humans that are causing the warming. I prefer this graph myself, I feel this gives a MUCH more accurate view of todays temperatures. There are probably reasons for the planet...
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    cold temps when on 12 hour cycle

    I have my grow in my attic, temps here are at freezing point aswell. I've put a small fan heater up there which comes on every half hour. It's a big space so don't really think the heaters doing much but my plants seem fine. Sits at around 40 Fahrenheit, which I'm told is too cold but like I've...
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    Global Warming Update

    I believe that humans are adding to climate change, but its only around 1-3 % When a large volcano goes off it releases more CO2 at once than we produce in 10 years ! Turning off my kitchen light or taking my tv off standby isn't going to do a fucking thing, if you take into account all the...
  9. S

    What do u smoke in?

    Joint, have to say blunts are totally different
  10. S

    What do you do when you have too much money on your hands?

    'hypothetical' I would buy some items which don't depreciate in value and can be sold quickly if needs be. For example - Gold bullion, rare gold coins, things like that. Much better having a coin collection than $1000's lying around the house
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    Wasps !

    Bees I don't mind, alot slower and less likely to sting you. Wasps I hate ! Never thought of searching for something like that, thanks for the idea man. Unsure of the kind of wasps you're talking about. Here (scotland) they are yellow and black fuckers and make huge nests with 1000's of...
  12. S

    Wasps !

    The thing is its never going to be that cold up there as I have a small fan heater which is timed to come on when the light go off then turn off when the light comes back on. The other thing is I'm shit scared of the little b*stards, their evil I tell ya ! Just hope theres not a nest up...
  13. S

    Wasps !

    Hi, Not so much a question about my plants but about whats in my grow room. I'm currently growing in my attic, I've been doing so for the past month or so. But today when I went to check on my babies there was a wasp buzzing about. Now I don't know what its like where you are from but here...
  14. S

    Taking weed from Amsterdam to Ireland

    When I went to Amsterdam with my friend we were both stopped at customs on the way home and searched etc my friend even had his trainers scanned :razz: When we landed home again we were stopped, searched and then they went through both our luggage looking in shampoo bottles and going through...
  15. S

    Please help my poor plants

    Although I do see your logic I would prefer if you could hazard a guess as to why they died on me. So what does everyone think, keep the domes on ? Take them all of and put the light right next to them or maybe use a more powerful light ?
  16. S

    Please help my poor plants

    Right I have a few pics for you all to see, there pretty poor quality though. How close the light is (Its closer than it looks) It looked like this when the dome was on and now it looks like this (again sorry for the poor picture. Its kinda discoloured like...
  17. S

    Please help my poor plants

    sorry I can't provide a picture my mrs has moved my camera. The seeds under the bottle look perfect, bright green and growing strongly. The other two (which I have removed the bottle from) have went from being bright green and growing strong to a darker colour and are no longer going towards...
  18. S

    Please help my poor plants

    Thanks for the reply The thing is the ones with the dome are doing great, the ones I took the dome off of are dead I think, they've basically fallen over. So now I'm scared to take the dome off the others incase the same thing happens to them.
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    Please help my poor plants

    Can no-one help my babies :'(
  20. S

    Please help my poor plants

    HI, Needing a little bit of help here. I just started my first grow. To start my little seedlings off they were germed in water for 24 hours then planted. I done 2 ahead of the others to make sure everything was ok. They are in my attic with a fluorescent light (2x18 watt tubes) and a fan...