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  1. mo201320

    Brown spots on my plants!!

    home boy is right though, get a moisture meter they are like 10 dollars anywhere and don't make the soil wet but yet moist and when it drys out keep it that way for a few days, the roots will search for water thus making them have a stronger base which you will need and yes you need to drain...
  2. mo201320

    CFL or Sodium???

    DUDE its a weed, that shit will grow from fuckin incandesent it just about how much you want, everyone should max thier shit out, a 4x4 spot is good for a 1000w hps for flower, but you should get about 2500 lumens per plant for ideal growth veg and flower, but there are sooooo many factors to...
  3. mo201320

    this was crazy!

    not even close widow is at like 17% the deadliest strain out there right now is white russian ( a cross between widow and ak) at like 22% under optimum conditions don't give advice if you don't know but good try
  4. mo201320

    Percentiles of Bag Seed

    if you harvest the seeds off the hermie then its more like 80/20 depending on conditons and stress but if you got a female , yank them fools and clone the slut then you know what your working with.
  5. mo201320

    Paranoid or what?

    well fuck, its not illegal to smoke then how does that happen? lol i like weed, good weed !!!
  6. mo201320

    Help me pick the perfect strain

    you sure are not going to get a low smell from russian, that shit stinks to high hell after about 3 weeks from seed and flowering? forget about it! dank as hell
  7. mo201320

    Help me pick the perfect strain

    it is true, seriouseeds brother, i even checked the website because i was going on a friends word he swears by them, good luck in your choices they are damn expensive though but you will get one hell of a yield the whole damn plant turns into a huge ass bud, yummy!!!!!:hump:
  8. mo201320

    mylar in grow room

    3M spray glue its tits!!!!!!!!!
  9. mo201320

    Percentiles of Bag Seed

    you wont get males but only females or herms bro, from my education you can only get fems or hermies they don't carry the male chromosome so you could be good, but hell this is just what i read i don't really know shit.
  10. mo201320

    Help me pick the perfect strain

    my bad this shit is expensive but worth every penny plus they are feminized which means you will get bout 80% fems according to dude, ( i'm like the pussy ass stoner who is smart but is scared of growing shit for himslef so i just figure out what he should do, lol)
  11. mo201320

    Help me pick the perfect strain

    WHITE RUSSIAN, just grow one my buddy did it and i had some of the proceedes and i promise you will get at least two ounces and will be glad you did, of course i did'nt grow it and never had but just him doing it made me get involved in the ways and how to of the game maybe one...
  12. mo201320

    Flourscent Closet grow

    did my boy matt get pinched or just pissed his shit got messed up? i'm worried, i hope all is well
  13. mo201320

    Paranoid or what?

    yeah, i certainly would bet that big brother watches all of these sites but shit unless they really don't like you, most of us just grow a few plants for personal so fuck 'em if they want to waste money hell unless tha boyz catch ya sellin tha shit then what? your going to get probation with a...
  14. mo201320

    this is about 5 months later...???

    dont get moisture control if yo only got 3 bucks get MG organic it says it aint reccomended for pots but that is because it don't got Nutes add some N and when you flower that get some 5-15-5 shit dude i'll send you an HPS bulb and ballast just because you have had mad patience this is...
  15. mo201320

    DWC Northern Lights

    kant, how did you germ your seeds, i used a simple moist towel and let that sit for 3 days and i got all of my sprouted but i put them in soil not rockwool, i'm just wondering because my next gig will be flood and drain and i will need to use rockwool. thnx
  16. mo201320

    CFL vs FLORO vs HPS

    yup i'm a tard thought that was tha first page was'nt it was on 8 anyway good job and thanx looks like you should youse CFL's to flower and add and HPS to bud, just my opinion and it propably sucks any way thanks and good job.........I <3 weed!
  17. mo201320

    CFL vs FLORO vs HPS

    the HPS nodes look a lot tighter bro, good luck and i will be watching but in my opininon from the pics looks lilke th HID is doing what it should
  18. mo201320

    Flourscent Closet grow

    what soild did you use mat? i got some MG organic and i think i may have fucked up we got no styrofoam cubes in ours, any way sorry for messing up your journal, you just seem cool enough to answer, good luck and your shit is proper doppler like a burga king whoppa!:hump: :hump: :hump:
  19. mo201320

    DWC Northern Lights

    sorry got a little mixed up i hear its a lot of upkeep though changing nutes and balancing EC and PH, how has it been going for you?
  20. mo201320

    Planting Question

    yup SOG needs bout 1 plant per sq ft to do it proper