Paranoid or what?


Active Member
yeah, iv only been a member on here maybe a week. but iv gotten one message like that. said the same thing. ill put some pics up as soon as i find my damn usb cable.

-stay possitive, love your life-:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Goede ochtend aan u allen :lol: (International good will gesture)
I trust we are all going to get along today as sensible adults,without too much arguing or childish inuendo.LOL:lol:


Well-Known Member
kaneweber is not the police. He is a spammer. I have ask for him to banned from this sight. Google his name and you will see that he has sent viruses thru PM's in the past....


Active Member
Well done No Grow,I had suspected this guy was'nt coatia all along.Iam glad i did'nt reply to his PM now if he is using them to spread viruses.I googled him like you said,blimey,he's all over the place is'nt he.Its a good job we have more dilligent members on this site.Lets hope he gets kicked outta here.


Active Member
yeah, i certainly would bet that big brother watches all of these sites but shit unless they really don't like you, most of us just grow a few plants for personal so fuck 'em if they want to waste money hell unless tha boyz catch ya sellin tha shit then what? your going to get probation with a good lawyer, don't sweat it but everyone be careful and do what you have too no personal info, just generalized questions will work, ohhhh shit i'm new, then i must be the Holice, hahhahha

P.s don't grow unless you got some paper to beat a case, cops, judges, and the law can and usually are bought! its the American Way! hahahha i should probably start growing again just to see what happens, you know what would be cool if everyone grew tomatoes and they raided us all then each person could sue the police for damages and distress, i wonder if they would still fuck around? :hump: anyway it would be cool, i think i'll start growing like a house full of cucumbers, and tomatoes for like 2 years and talk on the phone like i'm a huge dealer just to fuck with the boys in blue, what do you guys think about that?.......................I am a genius......lets do it!!!!!


New Member
well fuck, its not illegal to smoke then how does that happen?quote]

It's complicated. You're allowed to smoke it, coffee shops have to buy it illegally and even have to show receipts for the illegal purchases. More people are busted growing weed in the Netherlands every year than in the UK.