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  1. Beba76

    First Grow (Outdoor) Are my Pots big enough?

    very nice! One day I hope to grow like that! wish I would have started to learn about this earlier in life...could have saved myself so much coin.
  2. Beba76

    First Grow (Outdoor) Are my Pots big enough?

    I live in northern canada, so our summers are fairly short here. Right now the days are approx 14 hrs, but the plants arn't getting the full amount of sun due to the location. They are still in pots in case I had to move them, to be honest I didn't think they would take outside. I tried setting...
  3. Beba76

    First Grow (Outdoor) Are my Pots big enough?

    they are 5 gallon pots they are getting approx 11hrs of sunlight where they are now. Will they still bud looking the way they do? I had to leave town for a couple weeks to see my family, so the only water they had was whatever radioactive rain happen to come down. Could they be all skinny...
  4. Beba76

    First Grow (Outdoor) Are my Pots big enough?

    Doing my first grow, & I am not sure if I am doing this right. I started my girls inside back in March, they were under cfl's & T5's up until the first of June. I now have them outside soaking up natural sunlight. I noticed that when they were inside they seemed to grow shorter & bushier, now...
  5. Beba76

    2nd Go at it... Day 20 (so far, so good)

    I have a question about nutrients ... when I picked up my lights, I also picked up a bottle of Nirvana All Natural Bloom Enhancer 0-0-1, and a bag of fossilized bone meal. Will this suffice, or are there other nutrients I should be using with? Had no idea what I was getting at the time, and...
  6. Beba76

    2nd Go at it... Day 20 (so far, so good)

    Your feedback is greatly appreciated! was unsure about the soil thing, I want to put these ladies in 5 gallon buckets with good soil, while my wife keeps telling me to just put them in the soil. So yea I will take your advice, & when it comes to picking up equipment for my room she doesn't...
  7. Beba76

    2nd Go at it... Day 20 (so far, so good)

    lol yes the beer did taste good, but you are right. The hydrometer would have been the smarter purchase. Eventually I would like to turn one of my spare rooms, or my shed into a real grow room, something like Weed Anubis's setup. This is just me seeing if my thumb is "green" enough to grow. If...
  8. Beba76

    2nd Go at it... Day 20 (so far, so good)

    Thank ya Thank ya ... Not sure what the actual humidity is inside my box, guess I should have gotten that hydrometer instead of beer. I know the average temp. is around 80 degrees, if I see it going much higher than that I turn the fan I guess I kinda lied when I said it was on 18...
  9. Beba76

    2nd Go at it... Day 20 (so far, so good)

    Thanks ... I just hope they keep growing the way they have been. Should the fan be running 24/7? Right now it turns off with my timer, so it's on 18 hrs/day... I am kinda shocked these plants look as good as they do with me growing them, I should have started doing this 15 years ago. Maybe I...
  10. Beba76

    2nd Go at it... Day 20 (so far, so good)

    Okay, so my first plant went and grew some balls..luckily I had started 3 others a couple weeks later. These plants seem to look much nicer than the first 'unknown' male. Attempting to grow 'Acid' & 'Afghan Kush', the 3rd is another unknown from some very good bud. So far things seem to be...
  11. Beba76

    Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?

    Thanks a lot man .... shows just how little I know... all your feedback is greatly appreciated! This is one hobby that I can see myself really getting into, feels pretty good growing, and maybe someday it will save me some coin.
  12. Beba76

    Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?

    silly question... if I grow the male separately would the seeds that it produces be any good? was thinking about just taking it back to the swamp and letting it grow out anyways
  13. Beba76

    Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?

    Thanks Man... Hopefully I will Have better luck with the other 3
  14. Beba76

    Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?

    Ok, the webcam is much clearer. I should have tried that first... here are some clearer pictures
  15. Beba76

    Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?

    This Camera truly does suck, it has a macro setting, but the camera will not focus...Maybe my Hi-def webcam would have taken a better picture...might try that..anywho here are 2 clearer pics I think...
  16. Beba76

    Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?

    I kinda thought they looked like em too... my sis has my good digi camera, will try to take a closer shot. Gosh I hope its not a male, I've been talking to this plant and calling it "her" for over a month now. Thanks for the reply
  17. Beba76

    Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?

    Went to go say good morning to my plant this morning, and I noticed these ball like things near the top. Im not sure if these are balls or what? I'm hoping they aren't, but I really have no clue what I am doing. Tried growing when I was much younger, and never had any luck, so I decided to give...
  18. Beba76

    Day 24 cfl No clue what I am doing..does my plant look ok?

    I just cut the head off... I'm not doing this to early am I? I saw a few vids of other people topping their plants, and they looked much older & mature than mine. Cool lil tricks
  19. Beba76

    Leafs Started to Curl

    so the seedling can be on the same cycle 18 on 6 off? Sure would be nice to sleep at night without that big night light
  20. Beba76

    Day 24 cfl No clue what I am doing..does my plant look ok?

    top it? lol You got me there? & Thanks .. the plant was looking pretty sweet until I woke up this morning, the leafs are starting to curl...but then again I was giving it water everyday, so yesterday I didn't give it any after reading about over watering. I am hoping that is what is causing...