2nd Go at it... Day 20 (so far, so good)


Okay, so my first plant went and grew some balls..luckily I had started 3 others a couple weeks later. These plants seem to look much nicer than the first 'unknown' male. Attempting to grow 'Acid' & 'Afghan Kush', the 3rd is another unknown from some very good bud. So far things seem to be looking good, no nutrient burns (yet) like the first, and these plants aren't growing tall and skinny. Got them growing in a homemade box during veg. using cfl's & a t5. When the weather gets nicer these "girls" will be heading outdoors, and will finish growing back at the swamp. Pot01.JPGDCP_0036.jpgDCP_0033.jpg


Thanks ... I just hope they keep growing the way they have been. Should the fan be running 24/7? Right now it turns off with my timer, so it's on 18 hrs/day... I am kinda shocked these plants look as good as they do with me growing them, I should have started doing this 15 years ago. Maybe I would have a better idea as to what I am doing...so far winging it seems to be working. Thanks again

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
they look good man the thing about the fan is, it should turn on to control temp and hum. not lighting or anything else really, so u need to know ur day time temp and hum and night time. and adjust to keep it as balance as possible.
p.s. if a plant is male (unsure if u meant that it was a male or something) might want to get rid of it, as to not fertilize your girls.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Yes you should have a gentle breeze over your girls 24/7.
Remember it is a weed. Weeds are hard to kill. Until we screw with them! Just keep everything with in there limit's and you will be just fine!


Thank ya Thank ya ... Not sure what the actual humidity is inside my box, guess I should have gotten that hydrometer instead of beer. I know the average temp. is around 80 degrees, if I see it going much higher than that I turn the fan on...so I guess I kinda lied when I said it was on 18 hrs/day. I also have a mason jar with water sitting in there to help with the humidity. As soon as I saw balls growing on my first plant I got rid of it. Was kinda sad to see that my plant was a male, especially after saying some of the things I said to it. lol I also have classical music playing in my box for the girls, I hear this will promote growth (well with corn farmers) Hoping it applies to all plants. Have you ever herd of anyone doing this? So if a male fertilizes & female whats the outcome? a plant full of seeds instead of buds?

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
Thank ya Thank ya ... Not sure what the actual humidity is inside my box, guess I should have gotten that hydrometer instead of beer. I know the average temp. is around 80 degrees, if I see it going much higher than that I turn the fan on...so I guess I kinda lied when I said it was on 18 hrs/day. I also have a mason jar with water sitting in there to help with the humidity. As soon as I saw balls growing on my first plant I got rid of it. Was kinda sad to see that my plant was a male, especially after saying some of the things I said to it. lol I also have classical music playing in my box for the girls, I hear this will promote growth (well with corn farmers) Hoping it applies to all plants. Have you ever herd of anyone doing this? So if a male fertilizes & female whats the outcome? a plant full of seeds instead of buds?
if a male ferz a female yes it will produce seeds, great for breeding, however this takes energy from the plants to make the seeds, so it will steal energy from make the best buds that it can so it can make seeds, not to say that these budz arnt smoke-able they will be less potent, and yes like all creatures plants like to know people and animals and other plants around by talking to them and playing music it helps, however it cant hear music (lol) it feels it through the vibration that the music and people and animals make, so playing music with a high bass is best however not FAST base but a rythmic bass, most people don't realize that classical music is super rhythmic most following a mathematical algorithm.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Music is definitely old school, that's me and yes there have been studies done years ago that says it helps. Classical music.
The hydrometer would have been the better buy but the beer tastes better!
If you have a male and it pollinates your females, yes, all you got is a bunch of seeds and little smoke. So let's not do that, ok?


lol yes the beer did taste good, but you are right. The hydrometer would have been the smarter purchase. Eventually I would like to turn one of my spare rooms, or my shed into a real grow room, something like Weed Anubis's setup. This is just me seeing if my thumb is "green" enough to grow. If these plants stay alive from start to smoke, I will get right into this hobby, if not...looks like I will continue to fork out $$ for my treats. When these "girls" go outside should I grow them in big pots with good soil, or just stick them right in the ground? I thought the soil being all black & rich at the swamp would be good seeing all the other plants back there seem to grow extremely well. Guess that question would be kinda up in the air until I have tested the ph level of the soil? I'm guessing its probably acidic with all the crap they have been spraying in our atmosphere (Chemtrails/Geo-engineering)

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
hmm as a general rule u dont want to grow in anytihng that u cant control the PH to some extent as well as other factors, not to say that it wont work but merly that it will be hard to diganose if a plant has a deficiency, u can, yes, look at the plant however there are a lot of deficiency's that look the same and also there may be a nute or somthing that will lock other nutes out, giving u a deficiency that way. i am speaking from a place that u want the best budz u can get, if u want to grow for the hell of it, then yea have fun with it and plant them anywhere, just be watchful for any signs of stress. and as far as the green thumb goes people seem to make the mistake of thinking that they dont have a green thumb, but everyone has one its just about putting in the time and MONEY to get all the Equipment for their first grow. i went 6 months saving and reading before making my first purchase. spent almost 2.5k on everything. i could have gone cheaper but the truth is the more u spend the more u get out of this and the higher % of success, the way to make that % have exponential raise is to pair that with information. if u need any help msg me and see if i can help you out. but u will come to see that most of my info are links to other places on this site :p


Your feedback is greatly appreciated! was unsure about the soil thing, I want to put these ladies in 5 gallon buckets with good soil, while my wife keeps telling me to just put them in the soil. So yea I will take your advice, & when it comes to picking up equipment for my room she doesn't need to know how much this stuff costs lol I really would like to get into this, and you are right about having to spend coin on a decent setup. I guess it should be justifiable to spend a couple thousand on equipment, when I am forking out $1800/lb...and to top it off I have no idea what strain I am getting when I pick up as it is always different. I have learnt long long ago not to go by these crazy names these dealers make up when they themselves have no idea what they are selling. Again, I Thank all of yous for your input. Works done 4 the day...time to go burn one for you all =) Cheers


I have a question about nutrients ... when I picked up my lights, I also picked up a bottle of Nirvana All Natural Bloom Enhancer 0-0-1, and a bag of fossilized bone meal. Will this suffice, or are there other nutrients I should be using with? Had no idea what I was getting at the time, and they were pretty busy at the shop the day I went, so I didn't bother to ask. I more or less went with which package had the nicest design... lol, & liked the fact that it is organic.

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
hmm with nutes at 0-0-1 sounds like an additive not base nutes u will have to buy some base nutes for your grow. you are in grow so u will need a High N Based mix. most all mixes come with more then just one bottle. now if u mean that u have a bottle of bloom enhancer then u will have to wait till u are blooming to use that, when u switch to 12/12 lighting