First Grow (Outdoor) Are my Pots big enough?


Doing my first grow, & I am not sure if I am doing this right. I started my girls inside back in March, they were under cfl's & T5's up until the first of June. I now have them outside soaking up natural sunlight. I noticed that when they were inside they seemed to grow shorter & bushier, now that they are outside they are shooting up like crazy. I am assuming this is natural, & that they are just stretching towards the sun. I am unsure what they are supposed to look like at this point. They are about 4 months old now from when I germinated them. Are the pots that I am using going to be big enough?, or should they be transplanted into bigger pots? Will try to post the pics I have of them from birth to present. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. So far I haven't been using any nutes, just Nirvana bloom enhancer. I also topped 3 or the 4 girls (not sure if I topped them to early)? My soil is a mixture of dark soil from the swamp, horse & cow manure from buddys farm, & per-lite.



Active Member
what size pot they in 5 gallon if so that will be big enough also how much direct sunlight do you get the look a lil lanky


Well-Known Member
4 months old !!!!!

crazy .. when I grew out side I usealy startet them a month before (may) so they had 4 months (June/july/Aug/Sep.) out side

and I only did start em early Bc. we have short summers here in Denmark and just to give em a good head start (compaird to other plants outside)
so when I did plant them out they wher big enough to survive all the stuff that can happen to em out side .. bugs/wind/heavy rain aso.)

ok well besided that .. can I ask you one thing ... why not plant em in the ground ? they will grow atlest twise as big .. atlest !
I often had nice 2 meters high X-mass trees that easily gave me 1 pound of smoke .. Ppl. I know who had em in pots out side (Bc. they had to move em ) got like 1-300 grams a plant ..

how much summer/fall do you have left in your part of the world ?
and how long are your days now ?


Well-Known Member

65 days old from seed brok the soil (indoor)


sorry .. just had to show off a bit ;) and show you how 2 month old plants can look like .. reccon I will haverst in a month or so ..


they are 5 gallon pots they are getting approx 11hrs of sunlight where they are now. Will they still bud looking the way they do? I had to leave town for a couple weeks to see my family, so the only water they had was whatever radioactive rain happen to come down. Could they be all skinny because they are possibly lacking nutrients? or could it be the change in the environment?


Well-Known Member

you schould atlest consider to remove all them small shoots in your pots .. so your "real" weed dont have to share ..

and I guess some nutriens wouldnt hurt either ..


Well-Known Member
they are 5 gallon pots they are getting approx 11hrs of sunlight where they are now. Will they still bud looking the way they do? I had to leave town for a couple weeks to see my family, so the only water they had was whatever radioactive rain happen to come down. Could they be all skinny because they are possibly lacking nutrients? or could it be the change in the environment?

they actualy dont look that bad .. just a littel small for ther ages ..and maybe lacking some nutriens .. specialy now as they are out side and get plenty of light)

but dont worry .. if they get 11 hrs of direct sun a day they will (as you also notice) shoot up realy quick and grow realy big (would still advice you to plant em in the ground if possible ? atlest try with one and see ;))

so 11 hrs .. is that direct sun ? do they get more light hours ? (I mean is the day still longer then the night ? .. if not you schould expect them to begin to flower soon)

you can actualy do a lot for out side plants .. ther are stuff that you can buy that hold/keep water and relese it slowely (if you expecting to leave town for a few days agin) and also some nice solidt nuts you can dig in with the plant when you plant it in the ground .. with some nice soil and maybe some bat poo and Epsom salt aswell .. but in the ground you will also have a lot less problems with water and nutriens .. in 5 gallon pots you will soon find out that big flowering plants need daily watering ..

if you cant plant them in the ground .. and they have been in them 5 gallon pots for a time .. and you have the option to get +7 gallon pots I would recoment you that for sure .. fresh soil and more space with the out side light will be gold for your plants and the new soild will also help with some nutriens ..


I live in northern canada, so our summers are fairly short here. Right now the days are approx 14 hrs, but the plants arn't getting the full amount of sun due to the location. They are still in pots in case I had to move them, to be honest I didn't think they would take outside. I tried setting them outside for a few hours in may, but they did not like the climate change & they started to wither. Our summer is just starting here, and the weather usually stays nice until late sept. Your plants look very sexy by the way!


very nice! One day I hope to grow like that! wish I would have started to learn about this earlier in life...could have saved myself so much coin.


I'm heading out to say good morning to them in a few minutes, I will pick those small weeds out. Thanks for your advice =) Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
I live in northern canada, so our summers are fairly short here. Right now the days are approx 14 hrs, but the plants arn't getting the full amount of sun due to the location. They are still in pots in case I had to move them, to be honest I didn't think they would take outside. I tried setting them outside for a few hours in may, but they did not like the climate change & they started to wither. Our summer is just starting here, and the weather usually stays nice until late sept. Your plants look very sexy by the way!

yea so I guess your climat is a lot like mine here in Denmark/scandinavia .. short wet summers .. but still nice long days ..

I did a few outdoor growing years back (+15) and as I said I did only give em a month inside before summer hit us in june usealy ...
to get it startet .. to make it grow some nice roots and a steam that can withstand some windy wether aso.

its a good idea to start em in .. also so once they get out side they dont have to consentrait on developing roots and shoot up ..

but dont over do it .. like this fist time of yours .. learn from it .. and do some research .. as I said .. ther is a lot you can do for outdoor plants ..

and realy .. if it is a option for you .. then get em in the ground asap. !!!! will do them so much good ..
only reason I wouldnt .. is if I had to take em in at night to keep em safe or to hide em .. if that is`t the case for you then go for it .. you wont have to get bigger pots either .. nutriens and watering will also be ALOT more easy .. and plants will grow in to trees insted of small bushes ..

as long as your plants get them +14 hrs of light time (and minimum 5 hrs of direct sun (+8 will be best) they will grow realy fast and stay in Veg .. once days get short (less then 13) they will begin to flower (fist 2-3 weeks they will grow to 2x ther size !)

keep asking questions and do some research/google outdoor growing ..

and try to check out this link/guide:

realy nice easy to use growing guide .. can answer a lot of newbie questions and ther are also a chapter about outdoor I think ..


Well-Known Member
I'm heading out to say good morning to them in a few minutes, I will pick those small weeds out. Thanks for your advice =) Happy Growing!

Np. glad I can help ..

allways like to help new growers (specialy outdoor as I have some experiance ... tho it is way back)

if you have to water them soon (or they just got rain) and you have some kind of "normal" plant nutriens (for your inside plants NPK)

I would add a very mild solution and feed em some .. look realy hungry .. make the solution ½ strengs according to the bottel for a full watering .. if it just rain make a small bottel with a mild solution and give em all a littel in the wet soil ..

but get some realy good nutriens .. for soil in pots if you plan on keeping them in ther (still I would strongly advice you to get em in the ground asap. atlest one or two .. you will soon notice the diffrent and plant em all in the ground Im sure ;))

if you plant em in the ground you realy dont have to do anything .. tho a bag of rich soil and maybe some solid nutrients/bat poo in the hole before you but your plant in will do wonders .. also remove all other plants that is nearn em .. give em no competition for roots .. nutriens .. light .. and ther is no place for bugs to "jump" from ..

as I said 5-8 hrs of direct sun is plenty as long as the days is long enough (less then 13 and they will flower .. not that its a bad thing ;))

so if you cant plant them in the spot they are in now dont worry .. find some nice places ..

thing I did once when I couldnt grow in my garden anymore (moved) and I had to grow gorilla ..

was to find 2-3 nice spots and plant em ther in diffrent places .. just make sure they get most direct light and if possible mid day sun when its strongest ..


Well-Known Member
I love growing outdoors, and I feel that my plants are more stable in the ground than in pots. I of course dig nice big holes and add my own soil mix. If you are going to be gone for a couple of weeks I would consider adder moisture granules to your mix.