Day 24 cfl No clue what I am doing..does my plant look ok?


First time grower here. I have not much of a clue as to what I am doing, Sorta winging is as I go. Eventually I want to plant my babies outside, but I am unsure about when they should go out. I read that you should take them outside for a few hours a day, and progressively get them use to the sunlight prior to transplanting them outdoors. I am using Nirvana nutrients & bone meal, not sure if this is a good or bad combo (time will tell) Can anyone tell if my plant looks healthy for its age 24 days? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


The Growery

Active Member
they look great man, don't plant outside until mid may at the earliest. no need to acclimate them to the outdoor sun.


Thanks for the advice, knowing me I would have had them outside within the next couple weeks. This is one hobby I think I can sure get into. I have tried to grow when I was much younger, & have never had any success. Actually I am surprised that this plant is still alive after a few weeks. I see little hairs growing out of the stalk, is the bud going to grow here, or will it start to grow balls? I see that people can tell after 3 weeks which gender the plant will be. Thanks again


nothing fancy at this point, just 2 20W OttLite plant bulbs, and 1 26w 1700 lumens sunblaster (eventually I will invest in better lights) they are about 2" from the plant.


Well-Known Member
you ever see the blue 120w spot grow bulbs? like wally world or hd has them and there better then the cfl's...i'm around if you get more into this and need some help,look at my 2 liter soda bottle hempy bucket thread


I shall check into those lights next time I get off this island....& Thanks =) Will look for your 2 liter bottle thread..still trying to get use to maneuvering around this site.

The Growery

Active Member
Thanks for the advice, knowing me I would have had them outside within the next couple weeks. This is one hobby I think I can sure get into. I have tried to grow when I was much younger, & have never had any success. Actually I am surprised that this plant is still alive after a few weeks. I see little hairs growing out of the stalk, is the bud going to grow here, or will it start to grow balls? I see that people can tell after 3 weeks which gender the plant will be. Thanks again
no problem man, I tried to grow when I was a teenager too and failed miserably, but granted back then no one grew and the internet wasn't really well developed like it is today. Thank god for forums like these...


top it? lol You got me there? & Thanks .. the plant was looking pretty sweet until I woke up this morning, the leafs are starting to curl...but then again I was giving it water everyday, so yesterday I didn't give it any after reading about over watering. I am hoping that is what is causing the curl, I know it not the temp..unless its too cool? The ph seems to be fine, my tester is just one of those garden kits. Will be picking up an electronic tester soon for a more accurate reading. I think my ph is around 6.5


Active Member
just search toppin cannabis lol and yes dont overwater her it is ok for her to go thru a drought but not a flood


Well-Known Member
OFF WITH HER HEAD! Depends on your space... If you have tons of headspace then you can let it grow strait up. If you have very little I would top it once and tie her 4 main branches down.


I just cut the head off... I'm not doing this to early am I? I saw a few vids of other people topping their plants, and they looked much older & mature than mine. Cool lil tricks


Well-Known Member
I always pinch off the new growth for the second after I have one set of serrated leaves and the second set it starting to grow in I pinch the new growth out and that makes it grow into 2 equal main stalks...Then I just keep bending those branches out of the way for a week or 2...everytime I think about it just walk over and bend the branches away from each other...I almost always split the stem a little during this process..anyway...after a week of bending them apart I take little hook stakes I make and just move all the branches into where I want them I usually keep doing this til I have what looks like a like 4 or 5 main branches all kind of going out in a circle...once I have the 4 or 5 branches I wanted to get or whatever then I pull out the stakes and switch to flowering...I don't know why that is my process...but it is... You can literally do whatever you want with these plants and they will be fine...just don't overwater or overfeed, but it doesn't matter if you break branches and take just puts the growth towards something else...So top and LST to your hearts content...just don't effing water it!


Well-Known Member
As long as you leave at least one set of true leaves the plant can and will is pretty amazing...


Well-Known Member
Yea during my first grow (currently still doing it) I've learned that there isn't much that will really kill the plant. As my wife likes to say "It's a weed. Just a weed..."