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  1. Beba76

    37 degrees!? Light frost on grass bad?

    i've been thinking the same all morning.... all the love I put into them girls since march just to have mother nature pull a funny that's not so funny... going to go check on them right now and see how they are fairing.
  2. Beba76

    37 degrees!? Light frost on grass bad?

    Thanks!! ...Crossing my fingers & toes!
  3. Beba76

    37 degrees!? Light frost on grass bad?

    I woke up to the same thing here. Temp outside was 32.7 F with frost covering the ground. I'am situated on the 44th parallel. My girls look like they need much more time to finish their flowering, I'm guessing at least another 3-4 weeks. But really I have no clue as this is my first grow. The...
  4. Beba76

    Milky Trichs?

    Thanks for the positive feed back everyone =) Think I will give her another day or 2, & pray the deer keep away. Are deer not attracted to these plants? I notice that they are always eating my wifes flowers, yet they have been bedding down beside my plants all summer & haven't touched them.
  5. Beba76

    Milky Trichs?

    I haven't used any nutrients for this grow, just the soil from the swamp, and a few other odds & ends kicking around. I have been using Nirvana bloom enhancer throughout veg. and During the flowering cycle. Other than that I have just been feeding her good ole swap & rain water. Next season I...
  6. Beba76

    Milky Trichs?

    Sounds good to me!!! Can't wait to bake some brownies for the wife =) Thanks!! I think this grow has inspired me to continue growing. Way better than I expected my first grow to turn out. Now hopefully the other 3 girls will look similar to this. Thanks again!!!
  7. Beba76

    Milky Trichs?

    Waiting on my plant to finish flowering. I have no microscope, but I have a few half decent digi cameras. I snapped a few pics & tried to zoom in on the buds. Do these trichs look "milky" ... Im wondering when I should cut her down. I believe she has been flowering 6 weeks, possibly 7. Also I...
  8. Beba76

    is this ready to harvest?

    Sounds good ...will post pics in 2 weeks time =) Thank Ya's Muchly!
  9. Beba76

    is this ready to harvest?

    I have one plant thats ahead of the game, and I think its ready to come down. I don't have a microscope to check the trichomes, the best I can do at the moment is take pictures with the digi, & zoom in. This plant is on its 5th week flowering, I was just wondering if its time to chop it down? or...
  10. Beba76

    Burning roots at Harvest?

    Thank you Muchly! ... crossing my fingers & toes that this stuff is as good as it smells
  11. Beba76

    Burning roots at Harvest?

    Thanks for the input.... think I will stick to my original plan & just cut & hang.... How long does it usually hang? a week? My First time doing this.
  12. Beba76

    Burning roots at Harvest?

    I have a questing about harvesting. I was told by an "experienced" grower to pull my plants out of the ground with the roots intact. Then take a torch to the roots, & burn the heck out of them. Supposedly it helps with the drying/curing process. Has anyone here ever herd of doing this? or tried...
  13. Beba76

    Will these flower?

    Thank ya's Muchly!!! Was hoping to hear they would bloom... looking fwd to doing some baking. Any ideas as to what these plants will produce judging by their size?
  14. Beba76

    Will these flower?

    I have 5 plants outback, 3 diff strains ... i know different strains flower at different times...well i think i know. I noticed that one has been flowering a couple/few weeks now, yet the remaining 3 have not. The one that is flowering is just bag seed (no clue what strain) I just remember the...
  15. Beba76

    When to Harvest?

    Got one plant that has been budding for a few weeks now... not sure how much longer before I take her down...its not the biggest plant, but sure looks pretty considering its my first grow. Any ideas as to how much longer before I should take her down? Am I looking at weeks or another couple months?
  16. Beba76

    Broken/Split Stalk

    Seeing this gives me much much hope.... Thanks again everyone
  17. Beba76

    Broken/Split Stalk

    Thanks Mon ... i zip tied it back together ... you would never know it was split (aside from the big piece of plastic holding it together)... just going to hope for the best ...Thanks again for your optimism
  18. Beba76

    Broken/Split Stalk

    Well I decided to go out, & tie my girls down to allow more sunlight to get to the center of the stalks. I by ooopsie stretched my afghan kush a bit to far, & split the stalk like a wishbone where I pinched the top. I used a zip tie to put the stalk back together (not the yarn in the pic) I was...
  19. Beba76


    Have a question about trimming, this is my first grow so this is all new to me .... finally got my girls in the ground as was recommended. I think one of the girls is starting to flower as i can see lots of pink hairs, and the lil buds starting to take shape. Should the plant be trimmed or will...
  20. Beba76

    First Grow (Outdoor) Are my Pots big enough?

    I'm heading out to say good morning to them in a few minutes, I will pick those small weeds out. Thanks for your advice =) Happy Growing!