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  1. 2ill4u

    newbie that needs help from the pros and questions

    the 3-2-4 should be fine until your 2nd/third week of flowering. i would not use the miracle grow... i know you can but i wouldn't. just get some foxfarm soil. but you are gonna need more light and you have to make a decision if your gonna go hid or fluro's for flower. what are you gonna do...
  2. 2ill4u

    newbie that needs help from the pros and questions

    by the way, if you have not all ready get rid of that foil, its a nightmare like the other guy said. and if and when u buy another light for this plant. make sure its more in the red spectrum for flowering.
  3. 2ill4u

    newbie that needs help from the pros and questions

    well i am not a pro, I think you should transplant into a pot double your size, get rid of the miracle grow/tree bark as much as possible.(dont hurt the root ball during transplant). and after you let everything chill for a bit, i would switch to 12/12 and get some more light.. good luck and i...
  4. 2ill4u

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    yeah right after i seen this thread and looked at the pic, i knew its not going on his thigh, that tube is built to go right up the pooper. dont worry i wont treat you any different, once a 1/8 th of weed takes your man-ginity. but everyone saying that he can just buy weed when he gets to...
  5. 2ill4u

    clones starting to flower already?

    your setup looks nice and so do those clones. be careful to not let those plants out grow that room. i would switch to 12/12 right away. double check and make sure you dont have any chloramines in your water, this is a link to a filter that solved my problems...
  6. 2ill4u

    Scrog question

    well i am saying, if you just recently lst'd the plant go ahead and snip those branches you wanted to. if not recently, dont (being week 1 into flower). i dont know anything about cfl's other than i have bad luck with them. i do use them for seedlings and clones but i have never veg'd or...
  7. 2ill4u

    Scrog question

    if that snow white is a sativa which i think it is, good luck getting it to lst width wise... if thats what you are trying to do. anyways i dont want to comment to much on your grow with out knowing all the conditions. do you just have one plant, under what light? hope to hear more from you...
  8. 2ill4u

    RO V's carbon filtered

    my water has tons of chloramine in it, i use the hydrologic smallboy carbon/sediment filter. i have great results now, before my leaves and clones would just turn yellow unless i would use bottle water, my tap water sucks i tried everything from amquel and the Sodium Thiosulfate is hard for me...
  9. 2ill4u

    girlfriend trouble

    well if u got so much shit on her, i guess u need to check her better. makes sure she knows not to fuck with apparently her main source of income. there is a cause and effect to every problem. make sure u explain all three to her.
  10. 2ill4u

    going into flowering, looking for tips

    i try not to trim anything during flowering, but i do bend fan leaves out of the way of any bud sites.
  11. 2ill4u

    growing weed in prison new help

    i cant believe i caught negative rep in this douche bag thread. uh, if u keep getting caught and ur gonna be in jail, yeah it might be a bad idea to grow some weed. it would be a good idea to think about how you got caught. trial and error ya know?
  12. 2ill4u

    Simple spider mite roundup method

    hope that works, i have never got spider mites since i started using neem oil on my seedlings and cuttings.
  13. 2ill4u

    Help me before I loose her! Too much heat or too much hydrogen peroxide?!

    just a thought, but that chicken wire almost looks galvanized, i would never use any metal around my plants. i would switch to plastic mesh instead.
  14. 2ill4u

    Shipping Clones???????

    overnight them with any service, and its a very dumb idea (risk), but its never stopped me though. i am from Florida, good luck in that police state, man i do not miss that place. never smoked weed in the open like i do in cali now.
  15. 2ill4u

    Nirvana-Shop shipping

    received my 10 white widows in 7 days on the west coast us, and the packaging was very stealth, the reason why i was so worried about the size of packaging. where i stay, if the dimensions of the package are a certain volume, it goes to my local federal building, a couple floors down in the...
  16. 2ill4u

    Traveling with genetics

    just my 2cents but just mail them to yourself, there are always other options.(delay shipping them) don t risk getting caught with them on you, i know the chances of you getting caught are slim, but the punishment is so outrages if you do get caught there is no way to justify the risk. i dunno...
  17. 2ill4u

    need help with seedling!

    i believe he was talking about the mg soil when telling you to back off the nutes.
  18. 2ill4u

    PLant doing crazy stuff! Veg State Please help (pics)

    na dont worry about the long post, if you would of made it to short, everyone would of been like: we need more info, which u do to make an accurate observation but it looks like MG def to me. but i cant be sure with the color tone of the pics.
  19. 2ill4u

    Nirvana-Shop shipping

    awesome thanks so much man, you saved me from some serious paranoia this next week.
  20. 2ill4u

    Nirvana-Shop shipping

    yes it helps very much, thanks all for the answers. Was the package everyone got at least small? I know everyone described receiving small items, I am just very worried about the dimensions of my package.