RO V's carbon filtered

What do you prefer?

  • RO

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • Carbon filtered (only); to remove chlorine

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Tap water, not tried the other two

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Tap water, tried cleaner water but not worth it

    Votes: 7 25.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I've seen people mentioning it, but wanted to get some kind of numbers from the more advanced growers on who's doing it. Thanks guys!


Active Member
When I first started I would let my jugs of tap water sit for a couple of days, but I eventually got lazy and started sitting my plants in the bath tub and turning on the faucet, giving 'em straight tap water. Never had problems.


Well-Known Member
if you can drink you tap water so can your plants.

my god, people who buy distilled by the gallon would be better off buying herb. i couldnt imagine what my costs would be like if i had to buy my water.


Well-Known Member
I don't know of any reason why the mineral content of the water would be bad for the plants, could actually help the higher it is. Chlorine, I know they seriously hate it, so I can see more of a reason for running it through a carbon filter. Humans hate it as well, it's the only reason I can see against not drinking tap water, but a filter jug will solve that. I should have added an option for rain water. Buying that much distilled, I'd have to see some serious gains.


Well-Known Member
there are guys who buy every drop of their water...blows my mind. rain water can be great or aweful, depends on the pollution in your area. L.A. rain is no doubt not good.

your right, for the most part the mineral content is beneficial. the big benefit of RO is that you know EXACTLY what is in your water, not just that there is 240 ppm of something in there.

and you dont need a filter to rid yourself of the chlorine in tap water. just let it sit out overnight(some say 48 hrs) and the chlorine outgasses(evaporates)


Well-Known Member
I used to get all my water from my refrigerator which has a carbon filter. Now I just get water from the tap and let it sit for a little while. My plants look better now than they did when I was using the filtered water. That could be other things though like me just getting better at growing. Basically though I haven't seen any benefit from a carbon filter.

Well said :leaf:


Well-Known Member
r/o is the best place to start clean pallat to build your nute regiment on.

i dont; have an r/o system though... i hook up an ice maker filter (the kind that you hook up to your refridgerator to filter the tap water that becomes ice & drinking water) to my garden hose and fill up my reserviors that way.

Its not r/o, but it is better than nothing. AND I HAVE BEEN GETTING CRIP RESULTS WITH MY OP so its working for me just fine & dandy.


Well-Known Member
my water has tons of chloramine in it, i use the hydrologic smallboy carbon/sediment filter. i have great results now, before my leaves and clones would just turn yellow unless i would use bottle water, my tap water sucks i tried everything from amquel and the Sodium Thiosulfate is hard for me to locate and i just think my small boy is great.


Well-Known Member
r/o is the best place to start clean pallat to build your nute regiment on.

i dont; have an r/o system though... i hook up an ice maker filter (the kind that you hook up to your refridgerator to filter the tap water that becomes ice & drinking water) to my garden hose and fill up my reserviors that way.

Its not r/o, but it is better than nothing. AND I HAVE BEEN GETTING CRIP RESULTS WITH MY OP so its working for me just fine & dandy.
have you checked the before and after ppm's with this filter?

i ask because when i tested the tap vs. fridge water the ppm of the fridge water was actually 10 or so ppm higher than the tap. you might want to check.


Well-Known Member
Mine is the same way. If you're buying water or using a carbon filter try just using your tap water. It could work just as well or better as was my case. I still want to get R/O but it's kind of expensive to get one with a decent output.

have you checked the before and after ppm's with this filter?

i ask because when i tested the tap vs. fridge water the ppm of the fridge water was actually 10 or so ppm higher than the tap. you might want to check.


Well-Known Member
funny you mention the raise of PPM I cannot believe I forgot to add that shit!
it did add about 10ppms, yes, but it smells way better. tastes better, too.

when I first hooked it up I called my mentor and said "dude my ppms raised WTF?"
he said not worry about it the water is "cleaner" since passing thru the filter... I just trusted the dude blindly. Doesn;t ake sense that cleaner equals +10ppm but the smell & taste sold me.... if i"d drink it I can feed it to my girls.

all that said, R/O is the ultimate starting point.


Well-Known Member
im am one of these people that by there water because my tap wat sucks...i can smell the chlorine in it...and it cause a bunched of deficiency in my plants...i want to get an ro system but i havnt decided on where to get one and wat kind i want....


Active Member
If you own your house especially if you have acreage or a large yard. Get well water if possible best water I grew with was well water I noticed the difference on my house plants even.


Well-Known Member
well water? you cant be serious

anywho, i use RO water so i can feed precisely and start from 000ppm water

much easier to diagnose when you know whas in your water

however, with that being said....nothing is wrong with tap water unless you're tap water is 200ppm plus. If you can drink your tap water, it should be fine for your plants

furthermore, my tap comes out around 080ppms on a good day and max out around 150


Well-Known Member
Mine is the same way. If you're buying water or using a carbon filter try just using your tap water. It could work just as well or better as was my case. I still want to get R/O but it's kind of expensive to get one with a decent output.
i got a stealth 100gpd RO system for 180 shipped

i think its the best in its class

and a leader when it comes to lowest waste ratios

i think like 1gallon treated : 3 gallons wasted


Well-Known Member
If you own your house especially if you have acreage or a large yard. Get well water if possible best water I grew with was well water I noticed the difference on my house plants even.
well water is more of a crap shoot that city tap. dont get me wrong, well water CAN be great. but individual wells can differ from house to house. your well water could be just great while your neighbors is complete garbage. i just watched a youtube vid where the guy has natural gas in his well water...he just lit the water coming out of his faucet on fire!

the tin foil hat boys will disagree, but if they pump it through the lines into your house - you can drink it. if you can drink it, so can your plants.