Scrog question

The Grinch

Well-Known Member

I've already posted this question in another part of the forum, but aint getting any response, so sorry for double posting.

I've already LST'd my plant so have a lot of branches with side branches forming.

For the scrog, am i trying to get side branches to grow up through each square, or just position a node?
When i position a node i'm just getting side branches shooting up which i hope is what i want - or is this more a byproduct of lst.
My squares are 2x2 and am having trouble putting just 1 side branch in each. The stems seem to branch twice per 2inch lenght. Is it ok to snip off the branch thats getting less light or that i can't get to another square?
At what point can i start removing lower branches that i'm sure aren't gonna make it to the canopy in time?

Is there a limit to how many branches i should be trying to get. I've allowed 49 squares for 1 plant which i don't think i'll have any problem filling. Would i be better off cutting this down and focusing on fewer buds.
I know this is probably strain relative (i'm growing snow white if it helps) but can't find any real info so any help would be appreciated

Thanks Again


Well-Known Member
if that snow white is a sativa which i think it is, good luck getting it to lst width wise... if thats what you are trying to do. anyways i dont want to comment to much on your grow with out knowing all the conditions. do you just have one plant, under what light? hope to hear more from you soon, I will search for your other thread. good luck to ya.

The Grinch

Well-Known Member
hey 2il4u - its nirvana's snow white (if there was another bank with it) indica/sativa mix with indica effect. I'd say by the leaves that my pheno (if there is more then 1) is much more indica.

I'm growing 1 plant under cfls in a cabinet 2x2. At the moment got 8 18w cfls, but adding another 3 on next on phase. steady 77f and about 50-60 humidity.
Been in flower for 8 days now. Vegged for 2 months, but that was longer then it would have been due to first time mistakes - snapped a couple of branches and main stem which needed time to repair.

Is that the info ya needed?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
well i am saying, if you just recently lst'd the plant go ahead and snip those branches you wanted to. if not recently, dont (being week 1 into flower). i dont know anything about cfl's other than i have bad luck with them. i do use them for seedlings and clones but i have never veg'd or flowered with them. good luck i hope someone much smarter is by soon to help you out.