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  1. thesneakytiki

    white widow harvest!!!

    well that's a misleading title
  2. thesneakytiki

    can someone figure this out for me??

    (81 watts x 16 hours a day x 30 days a month) / 1000 = 38.88 kwh uses 38.88 x .0827 = $3.22
  3. thesneakytiki

    Seed help!!!

    after 2 1/2 weeks they're definitely done next time soak 'em in water for 24 hours, then into the paper towel.. make sure they aren't exposed to any light, roots aren't a fan of that
  4. thesneakytiki

    Are these pollen sacs?

    are you guys serious? those totally look like balls, and they look like they've already opened to release pollen
  5. thesneakytiki

    Celsius V Fahrenheit Do you know?

    (5/9)*(deg F-32) is the exact formula.. why estimate?
  6. thesneakytiki

    Airport Security, clean your shoes !!!

    what kind of alarm does soil set off?
  7. thesneakytiki

    please help, Some problems with my1 week old plants

    i think i see the problem.. you named them the characters from "friends" =D hehehe.. but seriously my vote is for overwatering
  8. thesneakytiki

    3 weeks and budding???

    let's not forget the huge balls those plants have as well...
  9. thesneakytiki

    Please tell me its not a male + pics

    all i see are pistils and new growth
  10. thesneakytiki

    Day 10 of flowering (I think its a male)

    i see balls.. he must go unfortunately
  11. thesneakytiki

    flowering 2

    fuck it, might as well let it finish now.. you might get a whole bowl out of it =D
  12. thesneakytiki

    Overwaterring, Nute Burn?

    any pictures? cotyledons dying is normal.. what signs are the other leaves showing? i suspect people will give you shit for using the miracle grow soil, and outside soil is a big no no for indoor grows, it just invites pests and other outside nuisances
  13. thesneakytiki

    easy set up help por favor just do a little reading.. i think everyone here is more than happy to help people out, but you can't just expect someone to hold your hand through a grow
  14. thesneakytiki

    dont know shit

    droopiness sounds like over watering.. how often do you water? you said "water 2 day off 2 days!".. does that mean you water 2 days in a row then wait 2? or water "today" off 2 days? you shouldn't need to change the soil at all unless you're transplanting to a larger container you can do...
  15. thesneakytiki

    ok..crazy experimental ideas..may just be revolutionary

    if you want weed that doesn't taste like weed, then try "tasty puff".. same principle as the camel crush cigarettes, it's just in spray form.. it's pretty horrendous, however i'm gonna have to be that guy and shit in your cornflakes though, because growing things next to each other doesn't make...
  16. thesneakytiki

    dont know shit

    what's not going so well? so your temps are fine, and your light is sufficient.. tell us more about your situation and we'll be glad to help!
  17. thesneakytiki

    Less than 14hrs a light from seed will trigger flower? right?

    the male plant won't produce seeds, it produces pollen which will pollinate the female flowers, and this is where your seeds come from
  18. thesneakytiki

    Is this a hermie??

    full on male
  19. thesneakytiki

    Halp! Plant dieing! Newb ned help!

    this is my first post.. i tend to just read the forums and learn from other people's mistakes, but i HAD to post something on this one... come on guys.. read that again.. carefully.. and then notice mr. adam's status.. excellent job though grizzly, you even nailed the misspellings in the...