please help, Some problems with my1 week old plants

Hi All,

Thx for all you great people here especially for Rosman

I’m newbee first grow, I’m doing Hydro Bubbleponics type of system the type of systems that splash water with nut on the roots from the inside of the tank using a water pump, providing air through air pump/air stones.

I have some problems with my plants, this is their 1 week, got them as clones. And they look sick, I need to do something, I don’t now what???

I have 6 plants of OG Kush;
Under 250mh lights working 18/6.
Water is splashing on roots for 1 hour every 3 hours.
Temp is in the 72-80 degrees with light, during dark its 62-67.
Humidity is in the range of 34-55 ph 5.3 - 6.0.
I’m using only Botanicare Pure Bland Pro. I gave them as of now 7 tea sp for the 9 gallon tank that I’m using. on the directions it says 1 1/2 tea sp per gallon. I understand it will be safe go cut back a bit.

Please take a look at the pictures and share with me what you think is wrong with my plants or maybe it is something I do wrong or not at all.


i think i see the problem.. you named them the characters from "friends" =D hehehe.. but seriously my vote is for overwatering

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Are they just out in the open like the pic shows? What kind of light did you have when they were clones vs. what your running now?

Im saying they look like that because the person you got them off of had them in a humidity dome, and here you dont. Clones can be very sensitive to environmental changes like light and humidity.
Are they just out in the open like the pic shows? What kind of light did you have when they were clones vs. what your running now?

Im saying they look like that because the person you got them off of had them in a humidity dome, and here you dont. Clones can be very sensitive to environmental changes like light and humidity.

Plants sitting inside the reservoir with water and nuts. They had 250W MH lights since day one. When I “planted” them I gave them 18hr of total dark then turn on the lights for 18hr on, 6hr off till now!!

They look much better today though… don’t you think??

So in that case, what should be the range of humidity??

So I currently turning the water pump on for 1 hour every 3 hours, clearly overwatering them, how should I adjust that?? eventually the roots will submerge with the water and won’t need the sprinklers on, right?


