Seed help!!!


hey there so this is probably a real newbie question but here it goes. so i started to germenate my seeds about 4-5 days ago ( damp/wet paper towel in a plastic bag, placed on somthing warm method) a few have small crack an i can see a small amount of the white stem/root i was wondering if its normal for seeds to take this long/ am i doing this right i jsut want to start growing an the seeds havent changed in 3 days ok thanks for the feed back hopfully i can figure this out


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it takes awhile.
Place your seeds somewhere warm as well, the warmth will help speed it up.


Active Member
most of mine took about 3 days. Although ive had stragglers that took anywhere from 5 days to a week. After a week has passed and nothings changed then you have an issue.


all right i guess my patience just wore out for awhile but if everyones seeds took around this long hopfully they wil be ready by nxt week, im gunna try an speed the process up by soaking them in a cup of warm water for 24 hours, that should work i hope


just from random bags ive bought no idea about the strains/ dont really care that much cuz its my first grow an why waste good seeds for the 1st run


ok so its been like 2.5 weeks an still practically nothing just a small white crack down the seeds. they have been in a glass of warm water for about a week and still little change is it me? or are me seeds messed up? any other ways to germinate? i just want to start growing this is crazy
after 2 1/2 weeks they're definitely done

next time soak 'em in water for 24 hours, then into the paper towel.. make sure they aren't exposed to any light, roots aren't a fan of that