Less than 14hrs a light from seed will trigger flower? right?


Well-Known Member
So from reading different scenarios that refer to 12/12 from seed. would this apply to if I were to plant my seed in my aussie backyard where we only get like 13hrs light a day? Or outdoor = outdoor... all the same time frame etc? I'm abit high, don't really know if this made sence, but any help appreciated helping me understand 12/12 from seed outdoor would be appreciated..

Unrelated, got a male plant this time round but it looks really nice and smells strong as. I'd like to get seeds from this plant to grow more females in future, once it starts budding how long usually until seeds are formed? As I don't want to keep growing this plant but I do want seeds for the strain.

the male plant won't produce seeds, it produces pollen which will pollinate the female flowers, and this is where your seeds come from


Well-Known Member
ah.. ghey
so if the male plant is totally secluded is there any point in letting it grow? or just kill it now and start fresh? thanks


Well-Known Member
so if the male plant is totally secluded is there any point in letting it grow? or just kill it now and start fresh?
Kill it now and start fresh. You could havest the pollen and store it. I think it stores in the fridge for 4 or 5 weeks. That way, when you get a female, you can pollenate her and get hundreds of seeds for future plantings :)

To answer your original question:

So from reading different scenarios that refer to 12/12 from seed. would this apply to if I were to plant my seed in my aussie backyard where we only get like 13hrs light a day?
Depends on whether it's a sativa or indica. Sativa are native to equatorial regions so they will veg at 12 hours of light per day, Indica on the other hand, are native to more northern climates so they need a longer day. However, it's late october, and I'm assuming from your post your living in Australia, so your into spring and heading into summer, hence, the days are only going to get longer, although how much longer depends on what region of Australia you are located. Northern Australia is almost at the equator, so the day length wouldn't change much, whereas in the south you'd get a longer day. I would say that you should be able to plant now with no problem, just don't expect to harvest until sometime in may. I would go with a sativa dominant strain as it is more suited to your environment (unless you are in the far south).


Well-Known Member
Its just i only had the one seed of this strain and it grew real nice but I'm spuin it turned out male. Was hoping to get seeds of this strain. Ah well. Got a batch of some supposedly feminized real nice strain (not sure the name though) of a mate. Will try again and hope they turn out as nice as this one was looking to get. Was my first grow, I expected the worst not to get my hopes up anyway. Might post up some pics later.