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  1. oj1981

    longer veg = more potential buds?

    you cant really estimate a yield unless you get consistant results from the same plant if you clone and grow it a few times. depends on your set up, your feed, lots of things really. but generally the bigger the plant the bigger the yield :)
  2. oj1981

    ok i killed her lol

    not much you can do now you have cropped it im afraid. The plant needs to be rooted to flush out the nutes! Just Dry, Cure and see how she tastes :) Like Phreakygoat said, it will probably still be better then the shit you get off the street these days!
  3. oj1981

    Roots visible near surface

    it should be ok. I would probably just cover them with a little more soil. helps stop any infection of the roots. Plus roots dont really like the light that much :)
  4. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Iv noticed that these girls are getting big fast! Mega fast :) I see big results every day! every morning when I check on my girls they put a big smile on my face :) Im due to top up the res on saturday so am going to give them one more dose of veg nutes at 1/4 strength. Once there around 2 feet...
  5. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Plants are all looking well :) tallest is now about 8 inches tall. The rest are not to far behind.
  6. oj1981

    First Grow with Barneys Nightshade(homemade box)

    Nice Grow mate :) Looks like you have done a good job with the set up and your girls are looking great! Good Luck with the harvest. Looks like you will get a decent yeild of those ladies. Take it easy
  7. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Not much has changed in the last couple of days. Temp when the light is off is 22c/71f. Temp when thelights are on is 28c/82f. A few pics. one of each plant :) Hey OpTikPhiber, Yeh iv heard good things about G-Force so cant wait for the end result. I havent had to many problems so far so...
  8. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Iv got a 800w oil heater in the tent now. Temps when the light is off can drop off to 12c/53f. I want to keep my plants at around 22c/71f when the lights are off. Plus im changing the air for 15 mins every hour when the lights off drawing cool air in from the window, cos there starting to...
  9. oj1981

    Purple Leafs

    got any pics?
  10. oj1981

    2 week seedlings have yellowing leaves

    hope you sort your problem mate :) nice clear pics though. Overall there not looking too bad!
  11. oj1981

    Help my ladies........please

    Yeh man defo give em some lights out time 18/6 :) they look like they just want some fresh water as well. no more nutes for a bit. other then they they look good! nice and big :) Happy Growing
  12. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Im thinking that I might get another carbon filter for the other end of the exhaust. These girls are starting to smell! If god is on my side and all 8 are females! The smell may be to strong for just 1 carbon filter.
  13. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    A Pic from this morning before I went to work :)
  14. oj1981

    Need help with pics

    They look very dry mate! what kind of hydro set up do you have running? how are you feeding them? how often do you feed? What medium are you growing in?
  15. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Thanks bruv. yeh I wasnt sure how well this system would work for me at first as this is my first grow I thought I may have been in way over my head! but so far so good. No major problems and the plants seem to be growing very well! I can see big differnces in there growth every day! I love you...
  16. oj1981

    Help!!! 5 Week old babies are sick!

    Im hoping that somone who has had some experience with a soil transplant can help you out more as I dont think you wouldnt go far wrong with what I have advised but as I grow in a hydro system things like watering is not a problem for me as I have a flood and drain system and could probably pump...
  17. oj1981

    Help!!! 5 Week old babies are sick!

    pic of my girls 5 days ago and one from today :) you can see the yellowing which has now gone!
  18. oj1981

    Help!!! 5 Week old babies are sick!

    I dont want to give you the wrong advice as I have no experience with growing in soil! But personally if I was in your position I would first get the new pots ready for the transplant but I would not water the soil in the new pots until I had completed the transplant. I smoke so before I handle...
  19. oj1981

    Help!!! 5 Week old babies are sick!

    I dont grow in soil and never have. Im on my first grow in Hydroton Clay pebbles, but from what I have read you will want to get everything ready for the transplant before you start so you can do it as quickly as possible so you dont shock your babies to much. As far as im aware you want to...
  20. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    quick update from yesterday :) Lamp is due to go off in about 30 mins for 6 hours. Im going to switch from my 250 MH to the 400 MH once the lamp cools down :) at the moment temps are a steady 27c/80f at the plants. lamp is sitting about 3 feet above the plants. PH in the res is about 6.1...