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  1. oj1981

    if i had one of my leaf to close

    lol. from what I can see she looks like she will be fine. dont cut the damage leaf off. she is sprouting new leafs which is good. If the burnt leaf dies off completly, cut it off. :)
  2. oj1981

    if i had one of my leaf to close

    any pics of the little lady?
  3. oj1981

    if i had one of my leaf to close

    you should be ok if the rest of the plant looks healthy :)
  4. oj1981

    is it bad to call attitude with plant ?s if i live in usa?

    I get seeds from attitude and they provide enough info on each strain. Use the internet if you need more information on a certain strain :)
  5. oj1981

    Centrifugal PC Fans Anyone?

    120mm PC fan! nice fit around a 5" duct with some duct tape! low power 300ma and quiet. although I do use an inline fan on my carbon filter. use the Pc fans for my ballast cooler and air inlet into my tent.
  6. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Girls have just woke up after 6 hours beauty sleep :) looking a little sleepy still. lol
  7. oj1981

    Is this normal? Pics Pics Pics!

    Nice plants :) Problem does not look to bad. like the rest of the boys have said just ease off the nutes and see how the ladies respond. Good Luck. Them plants look beast! :)
  8. oj1981

    Heat Control Idea for Grow Boxes using CFLs...Will +Rep

    Give it a go and lets us know :)
  9. oj1981

    Random burnt spots, Afghanica, HQ Pictures, HELP!

    They look to have a very heavy green colour! possibly slight nute burn. Id back off the nutes slightly and see how they respond. good luck :)
  10. oj1981

    HARVEST TIME!!! ( pics) !!!

    Very Nice :) I would have given her couple more weeks! but as you say you harvest to the kind of high you want from ya bud. Enjoy! :)
  11. oj1981

    Plants getting worse..

    hi mate. Mine did the same! I found PH was the problem and a nutrient deficency! check your PH, get ya PH within like 6.2-6.6 and give em some veg nutes 1/4 strength. They should bounce back no problem :) Good Luck
  12. oj1981

    worried my plants r going to die!!!! help asap please

    If you cant upload your pics at least give us some info on your set up! Indoor or outdoor grow? Growing medium? using nutes or not? how often do you water your ladies? Have you checked your PH level. Growing lights and temps? Helps us out a little and we will try to help you :)
  13. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Also a dose of half strength nutes will be added to the res when its top up on Saturday! they look like there ready for another dose! :)
  14. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    there starting to look beasty now! smell its getting pretty strong too :) I think another week (2 weeks tops!) in veg and it could be time to throw these ladies into flower.
  15. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    another quick pic from this morning :)
  16. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Pic from this morning :)
  17. oj1981

    What is wrong with her?

    Defo check your PH. they may be in lock out if the PH is to high or to low will defo start to kill her off. Im not in a soil grow so dont really know to much about the soil your using. I would look to transplant into a bigger pot. Give her a good flush and start with some vegging nutrients at...
  18. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Sorry pics didnt upload on my last post! I will try again :)
  19. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Not much to write today. I will keep up to date with the photos though :)