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  1. oj1981

    Root Rot!

    Thanks mate :) I will be adjusting the PH down slightly :) As this was a new problem I wasnt sure how bad it was. Thanks for the help guys + Rep to you all :)
  2. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Nothing much to update! Iv put the girls into a 24 hour black out. going to put the 600w HPS in tomorrow at 10am and start day 1 of flowering. Lamp will be on 12/12 10am to 10pm on and off for the other 12 hours. Biggest girl is about 17-18 inch. smallest girl is about 13-14 inch. They all...
  3. oj1981

    pc case temp and humidity

    How old are your plants?
  4. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    root rot problem! Looks like I may have over reacted slightly on this problem. I have posted my issues here: Anyhows Im going to look to switch to flower on Sunday and keep a close eye on the girls. Some more...
  5. oj1981

    Root Rot!

    Now Then Lads Ok I think I may have over reacted slightly to the situation. I given the girls and the set up a good inspection this morning. The res water is clean and clear. There is a small amount of silt at the bottom of the res which is just some remaining dust of the Hydroton Clay...
  6. oj1981

    Root Rot!

    Thanks for the input guys :) Im going to take all the pots out tomorrow and clean the whole system out. I am using nutes at about 3/4 strength but the water in the res looks clean and clear with nothing floating on top apart from some roots which have found there way in. I will look to cover the...
  7. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Ok quick update before I go to my bed. I think I have a root rot problem! Its going to be Saturday before I can really have a good look but I need to address this problem fast! any advice is well appreciated.
  8. oj1981

    Root Rot!

    HI everyone so Iv got my first grow on the go and all is going well until I had a good look around my system tonight and noticed a couple of problems! Im using an 8 pot flood and drain system with a 70 Litre res. Im growing 8 flying dutchmen and there about 15 inches tall now. Im about to...
  9. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Ok an update on the current situation. Roots! There everywhere! all coming out of the bottom of the pots and trailing around in the top half of the system. some have found there way into the res now and I hope they dont get stuck in the pump! also as the roots are open to the light in some...
  10. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Thanks Bro :) Yeh they are looking good. will soon be time to switch to flower! I just give em nutes when they show me they need em!
  11. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    couple more pics from today :mrgreen:
  12. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    all girls looking fine :) couple of pics from this morning
  13. oj1981

    Light off for 12 Hours during Veg....solution?

    You should bo ok if it only happened once. Your girls should carry on vegging as it does take a couple of weeks for the plants to start going into flower after the 12/12 switch. If your not using one you want to but a 1kw light contactor! It will save burning up your timers! Good luck :)
  14. oj1981

    Timer malfcuntion!

    lol! They will be fine just as long as it doesnt happen again. You will be ok to revert back to your normal timings. You know what to do! Get a decent timer! lol. Good Luck with the rest of your grow :)
  15. oj1981

    Timer malfcuntion!

    What stage of growth are you in? One night should be ok and you will be ok to keep to your normal schedual :)
  16. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    An update with a few pics. Res has been fully topped up to 70L so that should last a couple of weeks before needing another refill. Temps lights on vary between 25 to 27c/77 to 80f. Temps lights off are around 21c/70f. Iv added 3/4 strength nutes as detailed in my previous post yesterday as...
  17. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    A quick update in todays events. Lights out in 10 mins with a 15 min feed. feeder will then be switched off for 6 hours. plants are going to be flushed through with plain water and the res topped back up to 70L plain tap water with 50ml Canna Aqua Vega (A) and 50ml Canna Aqua Vega (B). Id like...
  18. oj1981

    White Widow ...a little crushed for time.

    Looking good :) Iv not heard of any way you can flower any faster apart from forced darkness for 24 hours before starting the 12/12 cycle. I wouldnt top them though as as far as im aware this doesnt flower them faster.
  19. oj1981

    250w hps too much for babies?

    Id start off with CFL's in there seedling stage untill there ready to be vegged good and proper. saves electric! running the 250w would be fine at a distance but your wasting alot of energy/electricity!
  20. oj1981

    if i had one of my leaf to close

    Stay High bro :) and good luck with your grow