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  1. oj1981

    Help!!! 5 Week old babies are sick!

    also the boys are right you need them in seperate pots! id go for some 3 gallon pots for each plant or something around that size :)
  2. oj1981

    Help!!! 5 Week old babies are sick!

    Looks like nutrient deficiency! I had a similar problem a week ago as I wasnt using any nutes. Mine are just over 4 weeks old and were showing yellowing of the whole plant at around 3 weeks. I started my nutes at 1/4 strength last week and they are all looking great! I grow in a hydro system :)...
  3. oj1981

    New grower needs help!!

    also pictures can say a thousand words. show us ya babies and tell us a little more about your set up. Hight of the light above yor plants? If your currently growing under the MH lamp the plants may also be suffering from heat stress. do you know what the temp is at the top of the plants?
  4. oj1981

    New grower needs help!!

    CFL's or a floresent tube are good for raising a germinated seed into veg stage as the light is not to strong for them and it gives the root system a good chance to develope well. MH lamp is 100% fine through the vegging stage once the plant has developed its first set of leafs as it can then...
  5. oj1981

    Black spots on lower fan leaves!!!

    How old is your plant? any pics of the whole of the plant?
  6. oj1981

    Black spots on lower fan leaves!!!

    maybe heat stress! what type of set up are you running? Lights? Temps? Nutes? Grow Medium? PH?
  7. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    another quick update :) not much has changed so far. All girls still look ok. Im a little worried about the fact there is no hummiditty when the lights are on and going to see if I can change this tomorrow. current timings for the feeder for the lights on a 15 min feed every hour and lights...
  8. oj1981

    started nuts

    you will probably want to give them a light dose of nutes at least every so often so they get all there vitamins and minerals. they probably wont go into shock if you just stopped but they may end up with nutrient deficiency if you stopped altogether
  9. oj1981

    Grow room temperatures!

    build a case/box for your ballast with some small computer fans sucking air into the case and connect the case to the exhaust duct to vent the hot air from your ballast which will help reduce the temps in the room. like this
  10. oj1981

    First Grow! God's Haze With PICS

    Very Nice :) Good size as well! looking 100% Healthy. How tall were they when you put them into flower?
  11. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    hey stilzz. Good to hear she is back :) give her lots of love mate. also with ya nutes start at about a 1/4 strength and adjust from there :) Yeh all girls are looking very well at the moment. Im going to put my 400w MH on in 2 days time to give them the light boost they need. I hope to...
  12. oj1981

    First Grow! God's Haze With PICS

    Hey Newbganjafarma. Thanks for the post on my journal :) Yeh everything seems to be going ok at the moment. Its was a bit touch and go the first couple of weeks but everything seems to be in the balance now. Sorry to hear about the males! 4 in total! I hope I dont have to many males in mine...
  13. oj1981

    Is this amount of yellowing normal

    Post some close up pictures of the yellowing leafs. Im sure someone on here can identify the problem :)
  14. oj1981

    Is this amount of yellowing normal

    There some nice big girls you got there mate :) Im not to sure about the yellowing as im only part way into my first indoor grow! As your growing outside id say it looks seasonal as we are now coming into winter. The plants look to be changing with the season. Im no expert though and know...
  15. oj1981

    3 pronged fan leaf.

    Got any pictures?
  16. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Temps are around 28c/82f. No humiddity on the surface when the lights are on but I know the water res gets warm and there is alot of humiddity in the pots. PH is around 6.4 :)
  17. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    All girls are looking good :) there looking very healthy now and there starting to grow really fast! Im going to switch to my 400w MH Once I put some more electric into my meter in 3 days time :) Then watch them boom up for one or two weeks then put them into flower with my 600w HPS :) No...
  18. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Just another quick update really. Girls are looking alot better since the clean up a few days ago. 2 days on the nutes now and the yellowing of the leafs seem to be subsideing. They all also look slightly beefyer just in 24 hours!
  19. oj1981

    i need help please.

    Your CFL looks ok as they dont get too hot. I would defo check the ambient temp around the plant as it may be a little low over all and may be slowing down its growth slightly. The bottom leaf that I can see looks a bit like nute burn. the top leafs look ok but a little droppy like it looks...
  20. oj1981

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    An update on yesterdays events. So I decided to take out and clean the whole system due to alot of silt from the clay pebbles in the bottom of the water res. All in all took 3 hours and all plants are looking ok after there little ordeal. I have found that the roots on some of the plants have...