New grower needs help!!


I am using a 400w HID with MH bulb, using this light from seed, through out veg, and will be moving to a 600w or 1000w for flowering. This is my first grow. I have heard serveral different opions. Some say the HID is ok for germination, but needs to be moved to a floresent light for veg. Some say you can keep them under the HID for gemination and veg... They are only a few days into veg under the 400w HID MH and are starting to look stressed and the leaves are turning a yellow color. They are not yet on nutrients, will be added tonight or tomorrow.

Please help! I would like to hear opinions, I dont want to continue to have them under HID lights if this is what is hurting them. Thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
CFL's or a floresent tube are good for raising a germinated seed into veg stage
as the light is not to strong for them and it gives the root system a good chance to develope well.

MH lamp is 100% fine through the vegging stage once the plant has developed its first set of leafs
as it can then handle stronger light.

yellowing of the leafs would normally indicate some form of nutrian deficiency but also check your PH
level and make sure its not to high to cause lock out.

maybe start nutes at about quarter strength and see how the plants responds.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
also pictures can say a thousand words.
show us ya babies and tell us a little more about your set up.

Hight of the light above yor plants?

If your currently growing under the MH lamp the plants may also be
suffering from heat stress.

do you know what the temp is at the top of the plants?


Are they in veg? good question.. are they? There are 11 plants, 10 Qleaner and one LA Woman, 3 of them have 2 true sets of leaves. The others only have one.. all from about 1 inch to 2 1/2 inches tall... Strangely 2 plants have split and have 2 completely seperate steams comin from one seed... they weren just put into the bigger blocks day before yesterday.


Well-Known Member
they need less light, a 400w hid is to much for the small plants to handle, fluro's or cfl's are you best bet for such small plants, i would consider them to be in the seedling stage still, its sometimes considered to be the 2 week period from; when the seed pops out of the ground or ur clone roots to 2 weeks of growth, its focused more on root mass rather then vertical growth. after those 2 weeks ur in vegg and stay in vegg for around 3-4 weeks depending on ur flowering room size and plant growth rates. After the seeding stage u should be able to put them under the MH lights with no problem, just make sure the lights no to close and not to far away 12-18 inchs should be plenty


I have the 400w in a 2x4 grow tent. light is about 3 ft above. temp stays in low 70's through out the night w the door open to that room and the AC on, and gets as high as 85 depending on temp outside.. But Id have to say its been at a stable 77-81

Okay, so I think I'll take down the 400 n put up the floro for how long? before they can be put under the 600... i guess i have no use for this 400 :/

I will post pics in jus a lil bit


Ok, so I have moved the babies from a 2x4 grow tent in a spare bedroom, average temp 77-82, 400w HID MH bulb 2.5ft above cannopy, water with no nutrients yet, 24 light...
I experienced that the leaves were turning very yellow on some, slightly on a few, and little to none on a couple. They have been under the lights for almost a week.. Were in small blocks until roots started to come out the bottom and slightly on sides, and then were placed into the big blocks 3 days ago...
Last night they were then moved under floresent lights with specific bulbs for the rooting, from what I understand from the man at the grow store. and are in the bedroom closet of that same room. With a temp of 81

here are a few pics of it now, in the closet under the floro's.... but as you can see from a few, you can see the yellow in the leaves
there is also a close up on the two babies that split and have two growths from one seed

Please give me any advice, opinions. Anything. Thanks for all the help!!