pc case temp and humidity


Well-Known Member
was up my temp is 86 and and 20 humidity i know there both bad...i already have 3 fans inside and i dont know what to do about the humidty can someone help..thanks


Active Member
what wattage of bulbs are you running ? you can put a glass of water in there if there is room


Well-Known Member
Lol yes water is for humidity. a better solution is to spray frequently or maybe even put a clear cup over your plant with holes in it. water in a cup doesn't have much surface area and won't move the humidity much.

Once your plant is bigger it will raise the humidity itself, those temps are still going to be a problem though not really sure what else you can do for that except maybe put your light in a glass tube hooked up to an exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
60 watts of CFL is enough to maybe get off one plant BARELY 100 watts is generally what is expected.

Look into glass hurricanes and mount your bulbs inside it and have one of the ends attached to a pc fan blowing out.

Problem solved and you won't need 3 or more fans to cool your box.

Heat isn't a problem if you just push it out of the grow area.


Well-Known Member
fuck it im going to leave one 42 and 1 30..ive heard of glass hurricanes but i dont get how to use it with the bulb..do you have a pic or something


Well-Known Member
You understand what a glass hurrcane is? I can't just imagine how I would set it up into a picture but I can attemp with a keyboard.

They make various sizes of hurricanes some of them pretty fucking huge. They make em for candles in windy weather.

I would have a pc fan mounted to a standard vent. I would find a way to mount the hurricane over the fan so air is moving through the center of the hurricane. I would then place the lights inside the hurricane.

This would cause a negative pressure in the box causing passive airflow into the PC box. The real upside however is the air will move through the box, across the lighting, and directly out of the box after cooling the lights.

It would be a mini cooltube set up for a PC grow. Haven't seen that done before...


Well-Known Member
me nethir man i dont think theyll fit in there since its a bit small..im just going to have 72w see if it cools down


Well-Known Member
They make hurricanes in excess of 6 inches in diameter.
72 watts is enough for veg so you have time to figure it out but you are going to wish you had more light and this is the only solution I see.

I was suggesting you look into cooltubes because then you would understand the process. The only hard part would be mounting the hurricane to the case and I would probably do that with fairly long pieces of wire that would function as twist ties which could go through the inside of the hurricane over the outside of the hurricane and through those nifty little holes they place around pc cases for venting.

If you put up a picture of you box I would be happy to draw on it to explain.


Well-Known Member
Your plant will veg for a bit even if you have it at 12/12 from seed. A plant doesn't even really start to recognize photoperiod until it has all the necessary hormones available to do so. You can do what you want, you are going to get some buds. Generally though more light = more bud.

You will probably get half as much bud with 72 watts as you would with 100, thats just the point I was trying to make.

Fixing your heat issue would take five minutes. food for thought.


Well-Known Member
I guess if you can fit it and put it on a low setting it would be fine.

http://www.bizrate.com/home-lighting/oid1034984093.html would cost more initially but would be cheaper in the long run and I am sure you could find a even cheaper option.. You are going to have to bring in fresh air. You are going to have to do it with a pc fan why not just take care of all your problems at once.

ever heard of keep it simple?


Well-Known Member
You want to keep it simple by adding another moving electrical component that can fail. thats just not a well thought out arguement.

Glass doesn't need to move, it doesn't need electricity, and it will not fail ever. Unless you break it!