What is wrong with her?


Active Member
I got this plant from a friend of mine and i dont really know whats wrong with it. He said the pH was all messed up with the fox farms but I'm not really sure what he was getting at. Most of the foilage has died and some of the new stuff isn't looking right. She already has preflowers so I'm wondering if shes out of vegetative state or what.

She is in fox farms soil. Under 5 27 watts cfls 24/0. Watered when the top in of soil is dry. which is about every 2 days. Im thinking pH fluctuation but i have no idea.



Well-Known Member
Defo check your PH. they may be in lock out if the PH is to high
or to low will defo start to kill her off.
Im not in a soil grow so dont really know to much about the soil your using.

I would look to transplant into a bigger pot.
Give her a good flush and start with some vegging nutrients at 1/4 strength.
She looks a bit stretched as well. keep the lights close as possible and maybe go onto
18hr light on 6 hour off to giver her a chance to recover.
get a PH kit if you havent got one as PH is very important.
keep temps around the plant at 70-85f light on and 65-75f light off humiddity at around 50 to 60%
and see how she responds.
Id also think about doing this ASAP if you want to save her.

Good luck :)