Roots visible near surface


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I have a 3 week SW fem from seed which is growing great. I notice that a few spots around the pot I can see the fuzz from the roots near the top of the soil but she is green and happy and growing great. This not a big deal? I assume the roots are just looking for moisture etc but I do not notice any problems....just curious


Well-Known Member
it should be ok.
I would probably just cover them with a little more soil.
helps stop any infection of the roots.
Plus roots dont really like the light that much :)


Well-Known Member
just put some more soil to cover them up
Ya I don't have much room but I was just wondering if this is common and not a big deal. I do not see any sort of stress so it must be no issues. Roots grow above ground with trees and they grow fine so who knows.....I was just wondering.



Active Member
happened to my outdoor early skunk,when i iniatiated forced flower,she had a real growth spurt,yeh like they say,nothing to worry about