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  1. littlewing

    it might just help!

    defo sticky, very informative and a great reference thread when u need it. is this all ur own work and research? +rep for the effort.
  2. littlewing

    tap root growing upward

    wen i put the germed seed in, i put the tap root facing down, and im allways careful to make sure it is facing down. wen i said i chucked it in i didnt mean literally chucked it in. aprreciate the reply richED but wat, r they lyrics u reciting from a mj growing rap record, think i get u tho so...
  3. littlewing

    tap root growing upward

    so i got a free seed from nirvana a while ago,my other plants are flowering, so i germed the seed then chucked it inn some soil. couple of days later i see somthing popping up, when i went to look closer it didnt look like it should then i realized it was the tap root. so i dug under a liitle...
  4. littlewing

    The Church, best strain name eva!

    so heres some more pics of the grow, the topping has gone really well, man i was scared of doing at time but glad i did now. the runt is just bout cort up to rest of plants now, and to think i nearly binned it. wish id have vegged these longer now they look so good, but wanted some buds ready...
  5. littlewing


    well recovered, they look sound as now.sorted gl with the rest of grow
  6. littlewing

    can these light b used 4 growin

    haha, yeh it can be pluged into the regular socket, its into the fuse board at work but i know enuf bout electronics to wire it into a socket. errr mate, weve just moved to this factory and my dads the gaffer and weve rewired the whole place, so i have 9 of these lights and hopefully glad they...
  7. littlewing

    thanks for the help man, really appreciated. come on jenson button, lol.

    thanks for the help man, really appreciated. come on jenson button, lol.
  8. littlewing

    can these light b used 4 growin

    yeh uk, ii see these lights alot ova here they light up the fronts of pubs and things like that, well the light casings do anyway nt sure bout the bulbs they use in them. the one i got was at work and it lite up the front car park area but not in use anymore so i put it to one side, fort i...
  9. littlewing

    can these light b used 4 growin

    yeh, well thats wat i fort, i actually use a 250w hps now for flowering myself, but wasnt sure bout this type of bulb, i seen ppl using son-t bulbs but wasnt sure bout the son-e bulbs. i have a MH and an HPS now but wen i saw this at work i fort why throw it in the skip, may aswell keep it may...
  10. littlewing

    can these light b used 4 growin

    does any one know anything about these lights and can they be used for growin? these lights are usually found outside buildings and are used as floodlights to light up the fronts of the buildings. ive found one at work and if it allrite im taking it.owt for nowt as we say in yorkshire. Osram...
  11. littlewing

    girl went to seed no hermie

    well it hermied or youve had a male in there, no other explanations. look for the yellow bunches, ususally hidden kind of behind the buds, they look like bananas.
  12. littlewing

    First grow quick question

    yes u can use them as a ratio, and ur right if u gave it a tenth of the recomended dose then basically u giving it 3-1-1 so those nutes should be fine wen used at 1/4 strenth.
  13. littlewing

    LED on Veg?

    dnt know much bout LEDS but i do know a 600w hps will put a noticable lump on the lecky bill. u can work out the cost of running certain lights on grow room calculaters, if u interested ill put a link up.
  14. littlewing

    Are my seedlings looking good??? 10 days old! PLZ HELP ME!

    no way of guessing a yield this early, specially on a first grow.lots of factors. they nt that short mate, theyll be fine, yes they could be higher but they could also be shorter. looks sweet to me for 10 days. gl
  15. littlewing


    the paper towels will do fine, but obviously i dont have experience with the rapid rooter cubes so have no comparison. maybe with the cubes they root faster but i cant see there bein a difference in the overall quality of ur bud or the yield. when germin i just use tap water straight from tap, i...
  16. littlewing


    i think perlite and vermiculate, do basically the same thing, i wouldnt say u need both, i used perlite on my last grow and couldnt get any this time so now im using vermiculite. its only to create good drainage and moisture retension. just dont leave the seeds in the towels to long get em out...
  17. littlewing


    cant see ph been a prob, germinating in anything u risk damaging the initial sprout. if u guna do this then get the seed out b4 thr sprout touches the fibres of the shammy, jst wen it cracks. just go wiv the paper towels, thats hw i do it and neva failed me, cant see the shammy been any benefit...
  18. littlewing

    when to fertilize

    does that soil have nutrients ready in it in package or nt?
  19. littlewing

    when to fertilize

    not yet, wait til at least 2 weeks and your plants are fairly wel grown, i dont fert at all til bout 6 inch tall and then i give very weak amounts for a while
  20. littlewing

    Little green squares

    ur supposed to earn ur rep points by giving good advice and helping others, or by doing a good job on ur own grow. u dnt ask for them. obviously if someone has loads of rep point then i would trust their word more than someone with hardly no rep points. +rep for bin cheeky tho. peace