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  1. littlewing

    One week old - a couple babies are croaking

    definatly man, u need them lights hell of a lot closer, they stretchin 4 the light. if ur using floros, then they dnt give off much heat and u can get em within a couple of inches. looks like a nice setup wi the grow
  2. littlewing

    Something ALL growers should know!

    yeh i see the confusion, maybe he was reading it wrong or something. put it this way to him, u neva guna get buds(the whole reason we all do this) forming on the plants if u leave it on 18/6. and the fact u gave about the mother plant, very true and should convince anyone who fort otherwise.
  3. littlewing

    looking to confirm a hermie

    oh and id say the second pic looks female, first pic could be male, looks that way but prob need a little more time
  4. littlewing

    looking to confirm a hermie

    yeh the males will usually show first, so if they dnt show same time as male sacs then theres a good chance its female. think it would be very hard to find the exact name of a strain, unless u know where u gt the seed from. the 5th pic i think u got it right they def have the right traits...
  5. littlewing

    Something ALL growers should know!

    backing u up here man, u gt a link to this thread could make a good read!!
  6. littlewing

    1 month grow

    haha, soz mate, no insult. wen i saw the pic u posted i presumed it was the thread starters pic without looking back at the top. this thread has moved so far away from the original question, just gt confused, soz bro, bit blazed last nite. heres sum rep for the mistake and nice looking...
  7. littlewing

    My first grow i use what i can afford

    sorry my bad got the light specs wrong way round, i am sorry for the ill advice, dnt know y i said that, took me ages to find 6500k cfls here in england nowhere sells em,had to get em online, so i have no excuse. sorry again
  8. littlewing

    1 month grow

    yeh id leave it open within reason, reflective materials are a minor part of wat ur light does, so thats the important thing keep em as close to the light as u possibly can without causing any problems
  9. littlewing

    1 month grow

    its nt my plant it was texicans, but i see wat u mean now, i still dont understand how he determined sex after a week n half from seed,( texican that is) it takes longer than that if u flower from seed. tru bout the mylar flat white surfaces are more reflective than anything u can buy except...
  10. littlewing

    My first grow i use what i can afford

    u planted 200 and only got 15 females, u must be stressin em in sum way. the 2700 doesnt represent the lumens in the bulb, thats the colour temperature, u can move to to the red spectrum(6500k or round abouts) weneva u want to flower. a 23w cfl bulb has about 1500 lumens i cant see ur pics...
  11. littlewing

    1 month grow

    yeh dnt use the tin foil, use white paint if u doin this cheap way, get mylar if u got the moolar. and JN its a week and half that plant
  12. littlewing

    Trouble Determining Sex

    repect roseman, u know where the rep button is superfly, not that he needs it
  13. littlewing

    1 month grow

    how did u distinguish the sex of the plant after one and half weeks? im abit confused even if u flowered from seed im pretty sure u cant see the sex til a bit longer than that the plants in the background look more than a month old
  14. littlewing

    1 month grow

    av u gt a grow goin?
  15. littlewing

    First grow--feedback?

    looks sweet for cfls very nice
  16. littlewing

    Trouble Determining Sex

    a pic would be nice
  17. littlewing

    Couple Questions

    oh and that humidity is ok, just about perfect, i like it there for flowering ant more questions
  18. littlewing

    Couple Questions

    to lower ur ph a quick cheap and effective way is to use vinegar or lemon juice
  19. littlewing

    think I pollenated my crop 5 weeks into veg, what now?

    i aggree with pot head, if u didnt force flower them then they auto flowered and if u saw the pollen sacks early enuf then i doubt that they split that early. i fink ur sorted dont think u could have pollenated a female that early wen only showing early signs of sex. wat strain is it u growing?
  20. littlewing

    How do they look?

    sweet mate the buds will still be growing so i wudnt worry to much on that yet, yeh bigger pic of setup would be nice to get a whole veiw of plant,