Something ALL growers should know!


Well-Known Member
Hi peeps Monkz here,

just thought Id share something with everyone. On another thread earlier today somebody asked if an 18/6 light cycle would induce flowering... the obvious answer was given: no! (excluding auto-flowering strains).
Then a member of this very site kept going on and on about how 18/6 does induce flowering. I will not mention his name because I only want to help new growers and make sure that mis-information isn't spread to the point where newbies believe it.
He was very adamant that the plant showing its pre-flowers and actually flowering were the same thing and I obviously told him otherwise. If what he says were true, which is ridiculous to even say or think, then how could a mother plant be kept on a vegetative light cycle for months, even years without having it flower.
I explained to him time and time again that a veg cycle will only allow the plant to show its pre-flowers and that it would not actually 'flower' or bud out' but he didnt listen and continued to express his ignorant opinion.

I just dont understand how someone can be so certain about such an un-yielding (lol excuse the pun) opinion, on a subject that I thought was common knowledge.

If plants didnt need a flowering cycle do you think nature would bother with having autumn and winter?

LOL this guy just wowed me is all I can say.

So if you didnt know... NO 18/6 doesnt induce flowering and for the majority of people who know this common fact please please please for the love of god speak out so that new growers dont make the silly mistake of keeping their plants on 18/6 forever and ever, waiting for it to magically flower lol


Illegal Smile

I think some of the confusion there, that he is spreading, is that pre-flowers are a beginning stage of the flowering process. The name might imply that but they are the sign of sexual maturity and happen with 24/7 veg light in the same amount of time.


Well-Known Member
I think some of the confusion there, that he is spreading, is that pre-flowers are a beginning stage of the flowering process. The name might imply that but they are the sign of sexual maturity and happen with 24/7 veg light in the same amount of time.
exactly what i was trying to tell him


Active Member
yeh i see the confusion, maybe he was reading it wrong or something.
put it this way to him, u neva guna get buds(the whole reason we all do this) forming on the plants if u leave it on 18/6.

and the fact u gave about the mother plant, very true and should convince anyone who fort otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Hi peeps Monkz here,

just thought Id share something with everyone. On another thread earlier today somebody asked if an 18/6 light cycle would induce flowering... the obvious answer was given: no! (excluding auto-flowering strains).
Then a member of this very site kept going on and on about how 18/6 does induce flowering. I will not mention his name because I only want to help new growers and make sure that mis-information isn't spread to the point where newbies believe it.
He was very adamant that the plant showing its pre-flowers and actually flowering were the same thing and I obviously told him otherwise. If what he says were true, which is ridiculous to even say or think, then how could a mother plant be kept on a vegetative light cycle for months, even years without having it flower.
I explained to him time and time again that a veg cycle will only allow the plant to show its pre-flowers and that it would not actually 'flower' or bud out' but he didnt listen and continued to express his ignorant opinion.

I just dont understand how someone can be so certain about such an un-yielding (lol excuse the pun) opinion, on a subject that I thought was common knowledge.

If plants didnt need a flowering cycle do you think nature would bother with having autumn and winter?

LOL this guy just wowed me is all I can say.

So if you didnt know... NO 18/6 doesnt induce flowering and for the majority of people who know this common fact please please please for the love of god speak out so that new growers dont make the silly mistake of keeping their plants on 18/6 forever and ever, waiting for it to magically flower lol

Some plants if kept in veg. for a long time, I mean months or even years may spontaneously flower without being forced. That is rare. But you are absolutely correct. 12/12 is what forces plants to flower, not 18/6. I think he might be getting technical on you. Supposedly if you put plants in 18/6 as opposed to 24/0 they will show preflowers earlier but I've had plants show sex in as little as 4 weeks from seed. Preflowers mean the plant is mature and ready to be put into 12/12 but you can put them in before they show preflowers. You will probably get a reduced yield and it may take them longer to start to flower (probably about the same amount of time as if you had let them mature). I hope this clears up the issue.


Well-Known Member

I'd guess some people don't get it.

I'm back on VEG 24/7, will return to 12/12 in time for X-mas. :bigjoint:

Peace -