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  1. littlewing

    first grow need help with flower

    my females took 2 weeks to show, males abit quicker.
  2. littlewing

    18/6 cycle...

    did u av it on 12/12 from seed or sumet? u dnt need another thread, ask wat u want here and it will be answered or and if u need the basics go to the faqs on the top right of screen.
  3. littlewing

    Complete Newbie

    wat seeds u gt? u prob guna want to go wi cfls, wat it sounds like u want is maybe a PC growbox, search this and see wat u fink. u guna neeed a carbon filter and some fans if u dnt wana get caught.
  4. littlewing

    Newbie at Large

    pics wud be good
  5. littlewing

    Newbie whats wrong with my plants

    get it on 18/6 i wud recommend, plants grow alot wen in dark hours, dnt think that is ur prob tho, looks like it could be over watering. plus it will knock ur energy bill dwn alot. like mass says dry b4 water. gl
  6. littlewing

    Learn with me: The blind leading the blind

    if u rotate 180 ur back with same prob, just the ballast is at other end.
  7. littlewing

    about how much should you water ur seedling

    alot of ppl use MG, its nt recommended bt u gota go wi wat u gt, the only prob with it is that it could cause nute burn, u have no control over the nutrients ur plant recieves. shud think ul be ok but its all learning, nxt grow id go with the plain soil, it gives u the choices, if ur plant...
  8. littlewing

    Help!! 1.5 weeks into Flowering

    my females took around 2 weeks to show, but my males showed after bout a week, males usually show first, so odds on ur side looks well. gl
  9. littlewing


    try this it works it out for you if you,
  10. littlewing

    wat is this? brown spots......

    ne-one, this must be a commen accurance, someone must of seen this b4. does it get worst or is it nothing?
  11. littlewing

    cheap nutes

    cant beat ebay, i gt grow, bloom and micro nutes all 1 litre bottles for around 2/3rds of the shop price
  12. littlewing

    i see the head

    wat plastic? u gt cling film over ur pot i guess to create humidity, can leave it little longer if u wanted, just burp it a few times.
  13. littlewing

    pullin out my hair

    gt sum pics. u found a plant and took it, wat was it in? u sur u didnt damage any roots if u took it out of ground. dont wet the shit out of the soil, just water wen dry, the roots still need oxygen. some poor gits guna go back to his guarilla grow and be
  14. littlewing

    Cu Problem?

    hw long is that fing, luks like its streching abit, wat lights u got it under?
  15. littlewing

    wat is this? brown spots......

    noticed this on my leaves, its on these leaves and one of the other set of leaves, nt that bad but want to sort it b4 it gets worst. also wat u fink of the drooping on the leaves does it look ok? it is 14 days into flower under 250w hps. my temps are good and watering schedule fine also, mite...
  16. littlewing

    I have a feeling there is some theft going on, anyway i could mark the buds then chek

    cant u just confront the ppl and ask nicely, say u think that there is buds going missing and your on to sumet. even if no-one admits to taking them, then maybe they will stop bcos they know ur on to them. or just put a camara in there and say u think someone is stealing, again they wont admit...
  17. littlewing

    not really sure what is going on please help

    wen u go to bottom of page, press on go advanced and another box will cum up with smileys at the side, go down the page and press on manage attachments and browse your computer then upload.
  18. littlewing

    not really sure what is going on please help

    if u wnt to upload a pic, just press insert image on reply box and go frm there, simple enuf. as for your prob could do with pics really to diagnose. love the disclaimer
  19. littlewing

    full moon is on life support i think!

    cud be a runt, just leave it for a while, i ad one like that and it neva moved and ended up binning it
  20. littlewing

    seeds keep molding

    hw long u leaving them in the paper towel for? if its nt cracked after 48-72 hrs then it probably wnt and its a dud, maybe longer in some cases bt in my experience they ususally done by this time. the paper towel doesnt want to be absolutly sogged, it shudnt drip only drip wen u squeeze it and...