Complete Newbie


Firstly I'd just like to say high and thanks in advance...

I've searched the site but I can't find any advice that fits my needs so I must make a post. Maybe I'm not very good at searching...

I have never grown anything let alone greens... lol, but I'm a quick learner and so you won't have to repeat yourselves. So here's basically what I need.

I live with my parents, but we have a decent sized attic which is where I want to grow it. Plus they can't find out so it has to be discreet.
Basically what I'm looking for is a small sized grow box that can provide the plants with all it's needs and with as less maintenance needed as possible.

I've searched online and the closest thing for it is a propagator, but from my understanding it's only used for seedlings or small plants. But something similar to a propagator (obviously large enough to fit 3/4 plants) is what I need.

I want to be able to grow the plants as quickly as possible, low costs and yield as much buds as possible - as most of us probably would.

Again thanks in advance. kiss-ass

Edit: I've got the seeds


Active Member
wat seeds u gt?
u prob guna want to go wi cfls, wat it sounds like u want is maybe a PC growbox, search this and see wat u fink.
u guna neeed a carbon filter and some fans if u dnt wana get caught.


Well-Known Member
whats the crack harikh .get a sheet of plywood a hammer .measurin tape .tacks. white paint..hinges.and make a box to your needs... whats your first seeds gonna be? ...spliffbazz


Well-Known Member
Littlewing's idea is what I was going to suggest.
If you wanna be discreet about it, start a PC grow box, and get a few CFLs.

and btw, it's gonna wreek and you're gonna need a carbon filter


Wow quick replies. Thanks guys. I remember seeing a PC growbox tutorial but I can't find it now... so I'm going to keep looking. Anything bigger than that is too much for me. I got a few PC cases so I guess I'll just utilise that the best I can and have easy accesibility to lights, fertiliser etc.

I'm going to keep looking for the PC growbox tutorial but if anybody can post it up.. it'll be easier and it might be a better one.

wat seeds u gt?
u prob guna want to go wi cfls, wat it sounds like u want is maybe a PC growbox, search this and see wat u fink.
u guna neeed a carbon filter and some fans if u dnt wana get caught.
I got lemon or sumin.. not sure (lol noobish rite?)
PC growbox sounds like the best idea so far...

why dont you wait till you out grow your parents house before you grow seeds
No money.

Cheeerrs guys thanks for the links etc.