Help!! 1.5 weeks into Flowering


Hey i have One plant that started to grow as and experiment, and to my surprise its coming out quite well. It is now 18" tall and i have decided to move it into flowering 12-12. Now im about a week and a half in and still no results is this normal? I hope its a girl but i just dont kno. Any advice would be helpful Thanx

18 inches.jpg

close branch.jpg



Active Member
my females took around 2 weeks to show, but my males showed after bout a week, males usually show first, so odds on ur side
looks well.


Thanx i hope u guys are right... Ive changed my nutes to 4-12-4 but i think im going to switch it to a 15-30-15 which would be better?


Well-Known Member
As the others have stated, takes time, usually within two weeks but conditions can change this.

However for your future reference you can get a plant to show sex in as little as 3 days by using the correct additive. I use one called "Bud Blood", look it up and you may be impressed, its quite pricey but there are others out there that will do the same as well.

Without fail every time I have been able to sex my plants in 3 days using this stuff.