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  1. littlewing

    give me tips? =]

    lst is low stress training, check the link on the second post. basically pinning down plant with branches, ppl usualy use this wen they have space issues, i dnt think this is for you if this is your first grow, get a grow under your belt b4 u start experimenting. the flouro tubes are fine for...
  2. littlewing

    New grower - stunting growth?

    did u germinate the seeds b4 u planted, cos 2 out of ten is pretty shitty, u buy them or is this bag seed? hw old r they? n i wudnt recommend using nutes this early. wat u gt in way of air circulation?
  3. littlewing

    give me tips? =]

    if your going for the cheap way then 6500k cfls bout 3 of them if u get 23w ones, then wen u flowering get the 2700k cfls.or u could go for flouro tubes. i use a 250w hps to veg and flower, nt ideal but u use wat u gt. as for spacing u can get them pretty close cos the dnt give off much heat...
  4. littlewing

    Question about lights

    try this,
  5. littlewing

    The Church...New grower

    no worries, get that stick up in there, wen ive done this b4 i taped it with duct tape round bottom of pot bcos i was paranoid bout stabbing a stick in a damaging roots my church seedlings are wel on way nw, one week old now, gt 5 seeds, 4 cracked and 1 a runt so binned it, so hopfully have...
  6. littlewing

    Question about lights

    is this program available to anyoe else, where u find it? like to calculate my grow box, just for curiosity, very good answer and info +rep thanks mate
  7. littlewing

    give me tips? =]

    wat exactly u want to know?
  8. littlewing

    Why pumps and tubes are unnecessary

    cheers man, so its advisable to have a back up pump, i fort i did know the answer, prob sounded abit stupid but just wanted to make sure. so do u think its faster than soil growing? wat other benifits u think there is using your technique rather than soil. +rep
  9. littlewing

    Why pumps and tubes are unnecessary

    im a soil grower at mo and i wa thinking bout goin hydro/aero or bubbleponics, this sounds good but wat im confused about ~(as ive only ever grown organicly in soil, ) is when the roots grow through the netpots, do you just let your roots go into water, are they ok submerged in water constantly...
  10. littlewing

    light proof passive intake question

    try this, this a very clever idea
  11. littlewing

    light proof passive intake question

    definatly work as passive intakes but so would any old hole, as for light proof, where u see this advertised? sometimes they actually say light proof. try google light proof intake vents or sumet.
  12. littlewing

    How to get started

    research is word of day. hw big is the area u thinking of growing in? full room or just a box hw many plants? budget? the more info, the more ppl cn help. know wat mean bout indoor grow, im in england, no chance outdoors unless u wnt a joints worth per
  13. littlewing

    back to veg after 10 days

    neone know owt, ok to clone a plant thats bin flowering for 11 days nw?
  14. littlewing

    How about lemon for PH down?

    piss is actually good for plant if its watered down, contains lots of nitrogen. vinegar is basically same its just a short term fix til u can get sum proper stuff, if its a soil grow u doin, then in my experience the acidity in the soil gradually rises til flush, so dnt use to much or ull...
  15. littlewing

    back to veg after 10 days

    well wat i wud av done is put them up on something to get the seedlings higher and closer to the light. i wa thinking bout cloning it and doing them all together, but i was under the inpression that it was better to take clones before plant goes to flower, but wud this be fine or wat, is...
  16. littlewing

    How about lemon for PH down?

    yeh i used it, worked fine, also used vinegar
  17. littlewing

    back to veg after 10 days

    right heres the thing, i had 4 plants vegging in one of my boxes with a 250w hps i put them to flower and 3 turned out to be males(gutted), so now i only have the one female flowering, but in my other box i have 5 feminized church seedlings vegging but only under cfls and they growing shit...
  18. littlewing

    Help plz

    i got sum cfls from an online shop, but im in england and couldnt find the right ones anywhere, if u in states then i see people writing all sorts of places u cn pick them up and they not that much. make sure you get the right colour temperature, 6500k for veg and 2700k for flowering.
  19. littlewing


    im no lighting expert but, hps or metal halide bulbs cant control their own electric supply, hence the need for a ballast, the ballast wiil give the bulb the right amount electric supply it needs. so i wud say no, to much power will be put to the bulb and it will prob burn out, if u got a 150w...
  20. littlewing

    when will she be ready? UK grower

    where the pics i cant seem to see them?