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  1. lowerarchy

    japan is

    I wonder how many farmers a restaurant could hire to grow lettuce for $90,000.
  2. lowerarchy

    Good problem to have, I guess -- odor control

    No problem, let us know how it goes.
  3. lowerarchy

    Does Temperature Turn Plants Purple??

    As I've read on various forums, the cold temperatures affect phosophorus uptake by the plant. I let my room drop to about 13°/55°F for a week late in flower and it turned the fans and the occasional bract purple but never affected the buds that much. I didn't pursue it further.
  4. lowerarchy

    Good problem to have, I guess -- odor control

    Carbon filter and a fan recirculating constanly in your room will take care of the bulk of it. They're surprisingly effective. You can get cheapo ones (called odorsoks in my area) that will, with a little fudging, hook up to a small bathroom fan or you can get bigger can-type ones for more...
  5. lowerarchy

    CO2, electric blankets, and free booze!

    In my ideal world where the little people are free to do as they will without the bizarre legislative heritage we work under now, I'd be running a pretty good-sized microdistillery combined with a small-sized Amsterdam-style cafe, huge fermenting tanks offgassing right into a controlled grow...
  6. lowerarchy

    Can i put clones on floor of grow room instead of under fluros??

    I've never done it. I do know that fucking with the photoperiod probably isn't a good idea with clones, but at worst they'd just be quite delayed in rooting. I doubt they'd start to bud in seven days unless you've got a very sensitive strain. Either way you look at it, if your only choice is to...
  7. lowerarchy

    Noobish Electric Questions

    Looking forward to your thread Jloi's 100kw 100 strain lawyer grow
  8. lowerarchy

    Noobish Electric Questions

    Well, I won't say it doesn't happen because I don't have a friend on the inside. All I know is that I signed a terms of service agreement with my power company and in that TOS they specifically state that they won't provide my "information to third parties unless required to or ordered by a...
  9. lowerarchy

    Noobish Electric Questions

    If they want to come into your house, say "no," obviously. I mean, how much power do you actually have to use to get the power company interested in you?
  10. lowerarchy

    EC Levels after Final flush?

    That's probably fine. There's a lot to be said for not having a massive difference in osmotic pressure - I believe that's what flushing solutions are all about, maintaining an EC similar to previous levels without having any available nutrients for the plants. 220ppm is probably a pretty nice...
  11. lowerarchy

    More THC at harvest?????

    I don't want to sound smarmy but
  12. lowerarchy

    Noobish Electric Questions

    Just buy the book, man. It'll tell you how to safely wire a subpanel or main panel, give you the calcs for figuring wire size, tell you how to set up duplex outlets in line with a timer, and generally give you the minimal theoretical background you need to know to do electrical work. There's no...
  13. lowerarchy

    Idea for future medical garden

    Ideal situation: punch a hole for ductwork. 6" can fan on the intake. Punch another hole for your outlet, hopefully located some distance away from the inlet. Filter and 6" fan hooked up to that. Fan motor speed controller on the inlet fan, turned down about 30%, and your room runs at negative...
  14. lowerarchy

    would 17-7 work for cloning??

    What bird said, but they won't die. They may never root but they won't die, and the only reason they won't root is because they're trying to flower. If you see pistils go to 24/0 right quick because your strain is probably very sensitive to long dark periods.
  15. lowerarchy

    AirCooled shades + duct work condensation

    Fuck me I wish I knew someone around selling clones. That's a fuckin' steal even at six bucks. What do you do, just go and say I need 400 clones in three weeks and every two months after that? I'd do it in a heartbeat - even if you start with fem seeds you'd get an extra crop a year that way...
  16. lowerarchy

    Most Efficient Commercial Grow Methods

    Yeah, 3g/w, Heath Robinson grow. On a 600 as I remember but frankly I don't remember so good. Anyways, good posts in this thread man, keep posting crazy BC ops.
  17. lowerarchy

    Rightside up? or Upside down?

    I'm interested to see what the roots look like - I'm guessing a four-inch thick pancake of dense, spun-out roots all stuck to the bottom of the pot.
  18. lowerarchy

    Hanging on by a thread

    May as well keep it on until leaf necrosis kicks in, watch for mold and it can't hurt.
  19. lowerarchy

    Most Efficient Commercial Grow Methods

    Back in the day, this thread was about something. Let it continue to be so, Cali vs BC pissing match be damned. What about that oldschool method of commercial indoor, having a bunch of equipment all the same (same ballasts, lights, pots, fans, etc...) and learning how to use it really well...
  20. lowerarchy

    Idea for future medical garden

    Yes, you should be very concerned with humidity if you're recycling the same air all the time especially in the spring and summer. A kick-ass dehumidifier is absolutely necessary. You definitely don't want your basement to be at like 90% humidity all year round, that's just asking for trouble...