Good problem to have, I guess -- odor control


Well-Known Member
My first couple of grows produced decent plants, couple oz each and good potency (ww fem). I was sort of surprised that there wasn't much odor really. Only if I got right up close to the buds or gave them a little squeeze could I smell anything, but then it was pretty good. The dried weed doesn't have a lot of aroma either, though it does have some.

Well, I am on about my third grow now, just clones of what I've grown before. The smell has gotten very strong. You can even smell it out in the driveway at times. My gf smells it on my clothes.
I have added CO2 and have the room (at least in amongst the plants, where I have my digital monitor) at about 1200 PPM. I have also increased nutes a bit over what I have done in the past, and feeding a couple weeks longer than before because the grow took longer than the expected 8 weeks of flower.

So, I suspect the odor might be because I am doing better (having learned a lot at RIU :) ). Now I need to do something about it. I am using a spare bedroom, about 12x12x7. I have a window available. I am currently running 2 600w, but intend to double that in the near future, maybe a couple 1000s. However, heat is not an issue at the moment. In fact, I am rather enjoying the relief it provides the heating bill.
I guess I'll lose that benefit though, as I will have to close the door and start venting. How many blowers/filters and of what type do you recommend?
Also, a question about inline fans for lights. Since these lights have a glass cover and the air that is blown out basically comes from inside the reflector, do they really help with odor at all, or is that usually a separate system?


Active Member
Carbon filter and a fan recirculating constanly in your room will take care of the bulk of it. They're surprisingly effective. You can get cheapo ones (called odorsoks in my area) that will, with a little fudging, hook up to a small bathroom fan or you can get bigger can-type ones for more longevity and effectiveness. I'd say a six-inch can fan with a speed controller and the appropriately sized filter (they're sized by CFM - you can buy flanges to fit a number of different fan diameters) running 24/7 would help a lot. Otherwise, it's time to seal up your room and figure out some venting solutions that don't rely on passive heat dispersion. But since you'll need the can/fan combo for that anyway, can't hurt to try for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks lowerarchy. It would be great if I don't have to seal up the room. It had not occurred to me that I might be able to set up a filter/fan simply within the room to scrub the air, but makes sense. I'll try that route first. rep+