Search results

  1. lowerarchy

    Idea for future medical garden

    You've got a year to work with - that's more valuable than all the equipment you can list, essentially. No rush no worries because there's plenty of time to work it out. I think 250cfm being sucked through a filter and past your lights isn't really a good plan. Filter is chopping 25% of your...
  2. lowerarchy

    A question about how light affects the flowering photoperiod

    Bro, unless they're fireflies, don't look for them in the dark. Tempting to keep those apron strings tied tight, I know, but your teenage girl needs be on her own during the nights and there's nothing you can do that'll help. Except I will say dark-period interruptions are pretty strain/pheno...
  3. lowerarchy

    Purchasing lights

    Try craigslist or whatever first. The market is littered with former growers and there are probably some quite close by.
  4. lowerarchy

    AirCooled shades + duct work condensation

    I just do a basic SOG in hydroton with cheapo flower/veg 2-part nutrients and h202 and ph down and I don't worry about it. We're totally on the same page growing-wise, same yield for sure. Maybe I could get two pounds on a light but I've never tried. Work in equals reward out and I've found my...
  5. lowerarchy

    Width ~ VS ~ Depth Roots

    Why do you say that?
  6. lowerarchy

    Wondering about this for a 220V Power Disrtibution Unit for my HPS Lights in my room

    Just for the record, most magnetic ballasts are drawing 1100W, possibly more, depending on power factor. So that's more like 5A. Am I to understand that each of the 8 outlets is protected by it's own breaker? Because if it's as simple as 250v/24a = 10a per breaker, which isn't the 8A you...
  7. lowerarchy

    AirCooled shades + duct work condensation

    AC at night? Sounds like yer golden. Caveat: I've never used AC but it seems like a pretty sound approach. Given the shape of your room maybe it wouldn't work running 2 airlines in parallel if it only leaves you with 1.5' on each side. If you feel you can work in that space (just enough to...
  8. lowerarchy

    Width ~ VS ~ Depth Roots

    Interesting idea nonetheless. I'd imagine that there's a point of diminishing returns; i.e. there wouldn't be much difference between 24" of depth and 10" of depth because the roots just grow down until the hit bottom and spin out. The majority of the roots will be at the bottom by the end of...
  9. lowerarchy

    AirCooled shades + duct work condensation

    25 pint dehuey (3.5A?). I got six in a row, three 8" followed by 3 cooltubes. And I lied - I shut down for the summer because my area gets to like 30°C every day and I go do other things. But yeah, in the spring/fall the aircooling is the only thing that keeps my plants alive. Just a...
  10. lowerarchy

    AirCooled shades + duct work condensation

    I have pretty much the same setup as you but one 10" pushing instead of 8"/8" pushing and pulling. I have a fan motor speed controller hooked up to the 10" so when condensation starts to appear I turn down the fan. Basically it's on full blast spring/summer/fall and turned down for winter. The...
  11. lowerarchy

    New Grow Room

    As NLXSK1 said, h2o2 but you could also just bugbomb the fuck out of it once you've got it sealed. You might consider skipping drywall/insulating entirely and just using structural insulating panels, do both jobs at once, no need to worry about sealing a rickety old building once with...
  12. lowerarchy

    STFU, Prove it...

    Word, I'll stop fucking up your thread. Awesome saturday to you Tahmi.
  13. lowerarchy

    Add nutes if EC 4?

    4 seems pretty fuckin' high. That's like slightly less than sea water. I assume that since you didn't mention that A. You are growing salt marsh grasses B. Your plants, if cannabis, aren't crispy and dead you mean .4 ec?
  14. lowerarchy

    STFU, Prove it...

    But wait! Let's look at your original post... Which is it? 1. Everything is relative. 2. There is a "best way."
  15. lowerarchy

    1000W maverick sun lighting systems

    I have three of the 8" superwide aircooled hoods - - and they're alright. Side-by-side with cooltubes/double parabolic reflectors they're total shit though. They have good airflow but they're heavy as hell and the dealbreaker is the intense hotspot...
  16. lowerarchy

    STFU, Prove it...

    This doesn't make sense. You can post all the budshots you want and you'll still be speculating. If you don't have every other limiting factor rigorously accounted for you can't say that the light source made the difference. Even if you do have every factor accounted for (multiple identical...
  17. lowerarchy

    layering your garden

    Most likely some cop with a pair of scissors turns your five plants into 500 before they take pictures. Bummer.
  18. lowerarchy

    Shipping Container As An Underground grow

    It's worth quoting this link at length. This company only does shipping container architecture. So yeah, there ya go. Now there's some shit about shit, short term no problem, long term stupid idea.
  19. lowerarchy

    Shipping Container As An Underground grow

    Nah it's just structural engineering. The bus is actually stronger than the container - bus is designed to roll and smash into things at high velocity without being totally destroyed. The culvert is a corrugated cylinder - if you don't cut holes in it it's the second strongest shape after a...
  20. lowerarchy

    Neep help with automation of heater/timer...

    The beige knob is the thermostat control. This one doesn't have a degree scale but most of them do, turn it to 18°, let's say, and it'll supply power to the heater until the temp reaches 18° at which point it turns off, ad infinitum. Just put your heater on the highest setting and the tstat will...