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  1. lowerarchy

    automatic ph adjuster

    Hey OP, I realize this is a bit off topic but here's another method to regulate your pH. I dunno if it'll work for a three-week vacation (that's a long time; I'd get the doser myself) but this guy buffers his nutrient solution. It's certainly cheap enough to warrant an experiment if you're...
  2. lowerarchy

    DIY:how to check if you have light leaks to the grow room

    Hah, that's way better than just standing around in the dark for fifteen or twenty minutes like I always do.
  3. lowerarchy

    Is ANYTHING not regulated?

    Not only is that demonstrably untrue but it's cruel as well. In the long run stupid parents have smarter kids and vice versa.
  4. lowerarchy

    Mad Farmer Mother Of All Bloom= MOAB

    Hey masonite420, read this before you post: And again... And reread your post.
  5. lowerarchy

    Is ANYTHING not regulated?

    Genetics aren't regulated. Breed how you want to breed. Stupidity isn't regulated. Think how you want to think. Comedy isn't regulated. Laugh how you want to laugh. Centimeters aren't regulated. Metric how you want to metric. Sentences aren't sentencualted. Sentence how you want to this is a...
  6. lowerarchy

    What is the problem?

    They just look burnt by nootch to me. Nice clinical-type photographs by the way.
  7. lowerarchy

    whitch advanced nutes?

    Hah, so that's what that thing is - they've got a palletload of those in every shop in my area sitting next to the door getting all dusty and covered in dirt. I always wondered but never really had the time to pick it up. Makes sense though, good marketing, find the neglected segment of the...
  8. lowerarchy

    HELP with yellowing plant with burning tips

    No problem, post in this thread and keep us updated.
  9. lowerarchy

    how to reuse rockwool

    Mmmm, I love the the smell of cooked roots. If you're seriously going to do this, and you probably shouldn't, just cook it until it's about 100ºC in the microwave. That oughta kill most pathogens. Though it doesn't mean there's not still a bunch of organic material in there that will become a...
  10. lowerarchy

    Is ANYTHING not regulated?

    Space isn't regulated outside certain conventions. There are certain bandwidths and frequencies that nobody gives a fuck about. I honestly can't think of very many more right off the top of my head. The fact you're posting this on a huge website that's totally dedicated to the cultivation of...
  11. lowerarchy

    How to best utilize 1000 watt hps and 400 watt hps

    Yeah, I'd agree with tje22, finish with the 1kw. The last couple of weeks are when they put on the most weight; they'll need the light.
  12. lowerarchy

    ways to increase the nitrogen ?

    What's the NPK on your nutes? It seems like if you gave 'em different nutes with a higher N ratio you'd be golden. Now you're right in the middle of the stretch so they need lots of nitrogen; they're going through their growth spurt.
  13. lowerarchy

    Leaves getting curly and looking stressed

    You sure your thermometer is accurate?
  14. lowerarchy

    Dust collector 1 HP

    If you find one, post a link here so everyone can benefit. Good luck!
  15. lowerarchy

    Problem... Need advice.

    Everything PeteSwitch said is true, more or less. But mag ballasts hardly ever fail and when they do you can easily fix them. If you're interested in the whole mag/digital ballast discussion there are numberless threads and flame wars all over RIU. You could spend days reading if it suits ya!
  16. lowerarchy

    HELP with yellowing plant with burning tips

    If you poke around where the stem meets the soil you might find the stem browned or possibly covered in fuzzy grey mold. I'm only saying this because I've had clones up and die before rooting from being too long in overwatered and in a high-humidity environment, perfect conditions for these...
  17. lowerarchy

    Split air conditioner help

    Expect to be billed.
  18. lowerarchy

    Darkness for Flowering

    It's strain-dependent though. I've had some Northern Lights that hermied when I said the word "photon" too loud, and some that probably would have been find with a strobe light going all night.
  19. lowerarchy

    Grow Room Automation

    So, have you started building anything yet? The site is rather blank.
  20. lowerarchy

    Need help diagnosing a problem and a strain.

    84º is pretty hot, not ideal but not deadly or anything. If you're going to flower in this box you're going to need to fix that issue sooner or later. Better to just keep the big light in there and find a way to keep it cool.