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  1. lowerarchy

    Butane honey oil: solvent to weed ratio

    Anyone have a rough idea how many oz/mls of butane you need to do some amount of trim? I've been planning to make this stuff forever but I never get around to it and now I've got a pretty good bag of sugar leaf built up and I'm wondering how many cans I'll need to get. My intuition is telling me...
  2. lowerarchy

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    Society accepts medical marijuana already. You can't force the government to change anymore than the government can force you to change. The very fact that we're here discussing this topic proves it: even under a very strict prohibition, we still do what we do. Not only that, but this is a...
  3. lowerarchy

    Yay! Another Need Advice Thread! (Industrial Growing)

    I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Are you asking about the capacity of your average residential breaker box? Because if you are, and please don't take this to be anything more than a friendly concern, you probably need to do a bit more reading and research because there's going to be a ton...
  4. lowerarchy

    Over Fert with only 700ppm

    If it looks wrong it is wrong. The question is, are they growing well, or were they? Maybe they just don't need much. The other question is, did you accidentally mix two parts B instead of one part each of A and B? I've done that and it burned the fuck out of everything but I didn't know it...
  5. lowerarchy

    is this site dead or what????

    That's not something to look forward to, is it?
  6. lowerarchy

    Post viewable sexy asian girls facebooks!

    Hey wow, creeper thread. Don't you have the rest of the fucking internet to indulge your fetishes? Can't we just talk about something... a little... less... shitty...?
  7. lowerarchy

    How to grow plants 350 times FASTER! and more yields

    Hey look, it's a nice little rendering of an aquaporin. This is a real thing that exists in the real world. Isn't that fucking awesome? It lets H2O molecules enter the interior of a cell in an organized manner; e.g, one molecule at a time. So do whatever you want with the water before you throw...
  8. lowerarchy

    How to grow plants 350 times FASTER! and more yields

    If you believe this bullshit I've got a Quantum Aerating Hose Nozzle that you can buy for $10,000 - AND YOU HAVE MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE!* It's FUCKIN' QUANTUM *Guaranteed to not do anything but spray water.
  9. lowerarchy


    Wyteberrywidow: I don't see how you get your rocks off saving 50 bucks on some seeds when your time is so obviously worth nothing that you'll stretch a thread out to over 20 pages posting the same shit over and over. Your 50 dollars in savings is now worth nothing - you just spent days...
  10. lowerarchy

    Laced weed: urban myth?

    PCP is pretty cheap.
  11. lowerarchy

    First Grow Ever Large Investment Wanna Do it right HELP!

    I use a blulabs truncheon, only broke one in two years of constant use. They've got a good warranty. In my experience pH sticks break all the time, I buy the $90 model with two-point calibration, can't remember the brand.
  12. lowerarchy

    3x1000 Vert Setup Phase Advice Please

    I guess there are some safety issues. I know of one large warehouse grow in my area that lit up because they didn't check in for a few days and the canopy grew right into the bulbs, irrigation also failed and they burned the place down. That's three fuckups though - the watering died, they...
  13. lowerarchy

    3x1000 Vert Setup Phase Advice Please

    Yeah, I don't know about running 3kw stacked. That would require a 12' stadium; how will you even get up there to work? Seems like the kind of thing you'd run if you had a weird space like a stairwell or a silo, not just average residential rooms. If you do end up doing this though the cooling...
  14. lowerarchy

    3x1000 Vert Setup Phase Advice Please

    You should most definitely run your own line from the breaker in a rental. Who knows what kind of shit is going on behind the walls of an old house? Way easier in the long run and you can set it up to shut the whole thing down at the flip of a switch if the landlord should come knocking. Install...
  15. lowerarchy

    First Grow Ever Large Investment Wanna Do it right HELP!

    You went this far, don't cheap out on the most important part of the system. Those meters are your eyes and ears man, cheap ones break on Saturday at 5:01 every long weekend. Like clockwork.
  16. lowerarchy

    when to flower

    There are a lot of factors involved. As cowasaki said, they'll get tall. What kind of light are you using? How much vertical space do you have?
  17. lowerarchy

    Flood & Drain - Do you need air stones in the res.

    Totally makes sense, your results vs. mine then. I do a change every two weeks or sometimes three, more than enough time for a bacterial colony to be established.
  18. lowerarchy


    No, they'll be fine. Flowering is determined by photoperiod, not spectrum. There are slight differences in the way they grow under HPS because of the red:far red ratio of light but as long as they're not getting more than 6 hours of darkness you're looking good.
  19. lowerarchy

    Cut out 4" fans???

    There are 20,000 open threads about this topic. Just search "trim fan leaves," and voila, you've got your months reading all planned out for you.
  20. lowerarchy

    Flood & Drain - Do you need air stones in the res.

    I've read convincing posts on icmag by a guy who had a dissolved oxygen meter saying that your average aquarium airstone hardly gets any O into the water. The bubble curtain was slightly better and the disc-shaped blue airstone was the best. However, the differences in PPM were surprisingly...