Problem... Need advice.


My ballast for my 600W bulbs just went out. I have 2 150W cfl lights that I am now using because I'm still in the vegetative growth. However they are getting bigger and I can't wait until I get the new warrantied ballast. I can get new cfl lights that are 2700K and I have the two now in my reflector hood in an attempt to intensify the light. Would it make sense to use two new red spectrum cfls until my new ballast gets in? Would this make much difference rather than just using the 6500K cfls? I plan on using the 600W bulb two 150W cfls and 4 50W cfls for my flowering, but now I'm not really sure what to do. Also I have 4 plants in a dwc system. Thank you guys for your help.


Active Member
Can't hurt to use them, so go for it. I'm sure you won't be astounded by the growth or anything....

Magnetic ballast next time, right?


Thanks. Yeah I was worried that they would end up small. Guess I don't really have a choice now. Magnetic ballasts don't fail as often? I might have to look in to that then.



Well-Known Member
Compared to magnetic ballasts, digital ballasts are more convenient to use for several reasons:
-Magnetic ballasts use 20% more electricity than the bulb is rated to convert the electricity to an appropriate form. Digital ballasts use about 10%, half the current of a magnetic. As a result a 1000w lamp and magnetic ballast consume 1,200+ watts.
-Magnetic ballasts contain an iron magnetic core so they are heavy. A ballast for a 1000w lamp weighs between 35 lbs, 44 lbs, and up to 54lbs. Digital ballasts weigh much less, only 8-12lbs and most often ignite both MH & HPS bulbs
-All magnetic ballasts hm. Digital ballasts are silent.
-Digital ballasts are gentler on the bulb during start-up.
-Digital ballasts regulate current more precisely. The bulb receives a more even electrical flow so it is stressed less. It lasts longer, emits a brighter light, and doesn't flicker.
-Digital ballasts are "smart". They recognize the type and size of bulb that they are powering, so a singl ballast can be used either for HPS or MH bulb.
-Digital ballasts turn themselves off if they encounter any kind of problem.
-Magnetic ballasts emit a lot of heat. Digital ballasts produce a lot less.
-Digital ballasts are more expensive than magnetic ballasts, but they save electricity, labor, and effort while producing more light, resulting in more bud.


Active Member
Everything PeteSwitch said is true, more or less. But mag ballasts hardly ever fail and when they do you can easily fix them.

If you're interested in the whole mag/digital ballast discussion there are numberless threads and flame wars all over RIU. You could spend days reading if it suits ya!