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  1. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Ppms have been dropping slightly after he last res change. And ph has jumped up, I lowered it back to 6.0 and its stayed there for a day or so. I only have enough RO water to run the wash through right now. I'm running the machine to have enough to add the nutrients res change. Now that I...
  2. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Sounds good. Pm the address to the farm. ;) So the big one on the right? I wonder if it will sound like a water is boiling upstairs.
  3. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Here's the options as far as pumps go. I have the one on the left it's a old 8500 something. Don't know the name off hand, the one next is a 7500 (smaller), next is one is pretty nosey and puts out a good amount of heat, and the last is my billy badass that I had in the 8 bucket rdwc setup...
  4. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Well I already replaced the membrane and filters. The damn water pressure when I turn my valve on is like a mini fire hose spray before it just dribbled out. Check out the pics of the filters Edit I hooked the discharge line up wrong so it switched and it dribbles out like before 3ppms coming...
  5. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Forgot to tag you In Last post.
  6. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Just got the new filters and membrane and hydrozyme. Man the filters are expensive. Almost the cost of a new machine. I'm off to the Brett supply store now. I was thinking about my RO machine and I had to stop for a few months and forgot to do anything with my RO machine so water sat in there...
  7. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Yea I wish I could send the roots off somewhere but unfortunately I can't Wow I have a lot to do today. Thank you for your detailed post. I've only added silica to the last two res changes thinking it was a K deficiency and the system is freshly built and never been run before so the only...
  8. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Cliff Notes I recently bought the aqua 6 grow pots, made a diy controller and had a 50 gallon drum so I made a 6 unit ebb and flow system. Never messed with ebb and flow but done several rdwc grows and several soil grows over the last 5 years. I wasn't seeing lots of growth from the clones and...
  9. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Yeah but doesn't really completely resolve the issue. A. Are my flood times right? If they are wrong could they cause roots to die B. Was the res temps caused the root problem? C. Why did it happen last grow with 68 degree water D. Everyone says nutrient defiency E. You say ph although ph has...
  10. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Yeah shitty roots. When I get to my computer in gonna do cliff note edition of my setup, my problem, thoughts on the problem
  11. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So here's a couple pics of the roots that were I between the buckets. I will admit they look brown Especially in the pics. There were lite black specs but when I went to touch them the broke apart like sand. Not slimey whatsoever. Weird thing is trying to find roots that are in the hydroton is...
  12. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    The label says general hydroponics on the picture you embedded. My 20lb tanks last about 3.5 weeks so I don't think it's leaking too much
  13. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Now that I placed another fan on the other side. Temps and humidity seem to be a lot more stable be issue of air movement I'm going by the store tomorrow for RO filter. I'll grab the test strips. You said general hydroponics makes them? On a side note. You think I should up the co2 levels in...
  14. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    thanks to everyone who has replied to this thread and are trying to help me figure this out. I love riu. I used to be a member years ago when everyone thought attitude sold private info and somehow riu was thought to be involved. I wish I remembered my old profile.
  15. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    This happened to me last deep water grow. I kept putting the normal amount of water back in the res and came back the next day to water slowly bubbling out the top. The root ball in the 5 gallon buckets filled the whole bucket to the brim Are you suggesting cutting the roots out that are...
  16. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Sorry I didn't even see your post and didn't receive a notification. Roots do not smell. when I took the pic the other day of the roots I smelled them and the smell like a growing plant. Nothing odd Little fliers? not sure what you mean here but I didn't see any black spots on the roots or...
  17. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    If you said it, I missed it. Ill check for slime in the res. Temps are 22c-24c. And I originally switched from DWC so that I wouldn't have to worry about res temps since I thought it didn't matter with Ebb and Flow setups. One grow I was using 7mls of calmag to try and correct the problem and it...
  18. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Hard to say. Probably just sit in the tent an cry a little. But no, probably ditch the RO machine and try to increase ppms and sit and wait. I noticed during vegging in this ebb and flow system the longer I made the girls wait between floods the more the uptaked in nutrients (ppms dropped)...
  19. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Yeah I'm on day 23 in flower. I clarified the other post since it sounded confusing. I have flowering plants in the ebb and flow and I have four vegging plants in dwc
  20. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I would but I have a closed loop system ebb and flow 5 gallon buckets. I am vegging 4 other plants in dwc right now and I was going to make it recirculating beciase it's easier but I might keep the buckets separate and try one with Ro water like you suggest. And all the plants are loving...