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  1. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Well sad to say but the problem is striking again on four plants in individual dwc buckets. I've had the ph of two drift backwards slowly. I've flushed for 24hrs like you said for this ebb and flow system. It has to be something with the environment I'm guessing since one tent can show great...
  2. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Yo Doc, Can you use the flush method you gave me on dwc plants? I have one plant that is slowly turning brown roots and ph is drifting backwards if though the water is 17.6c I just don't know if running the bubbler for 24 hrs on the h202 flush would do more harm than good. Thanks
  3. M

    Once a plant goes totally yellow can it be brought back?

    I agree. So was it a lack of veg nutes? So nitrogen did play a factor? I thought you said pk too early.
  4. M

    Once a plant goes totally yellow can it be brought back?

    I didn't feed bloom nutes for the first 2-3 weeks. Only Ro water with calmag plus
  5. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So I finally hooked up the big air pump to the four dwc plant I have and within 24hr I started seeing the ph rise from 5.9 to 6.6 and the avg rose from 5.9 to 6.3 so I really wanted to say thanks. Never new the more air the better. I'm hoping I can increase the ppms now with more air. I'm avging...
  6. M

    Once a plant goes totally yellow can it be brought back?

    I'll snap a pic or two of them tonight when lights turn on
  7. M

    Once a plant goes totally yellow can it be brought back?

    Yo Doc, I know you're a busy person but I found the links to the initial problems to the soil and the ebb and flow system that you recently helped me with. if you're interested in seeing how the whole problems started from the other thread you helped me with "deficiency happens every cycle"...
  8. M

    Once a plant goes totally yellow can it be brought back?

    I think I have that book somewhere. It's been ages since I read it. Im also trying to find a link to the initial problem having. This forum has changed so much since I've been back and yes I'm definitely rusty. I've been growing for over 10 years on and off. Had tons of success in the...
  9. M

    Once a plant goes totally yellow can it be brought back?

    Yeah I have've been adding calmag plus the whole time. I'll try and post pics soon. I googled and came back with nothing to help me. :-?
  10. M

    Once a plant goes totally yellow can it be brought back?

    So i have three plants that went completely yellow in week 2-3 of flower. for a week I tried adding just a little bit of 2-0-0 to their feed to get the green back. Then next feeding I added full blown veg nutes but nothing. At this point the flowers still coming in strong and with tons of...
  11. M

    Smell reaching outside. Mini split or dehumidify?

    Yeah it didn't smell nearly as bad today. The water from the ac/dumidifer drips behind the unit and somewhat builds up and mixes with some leaves. I cleaned that area up so i'm not sure if that was the smell. Either way i'm making a trip to the nursery this weekend and buying a ton of smell good...
  12. M

    Smell reaching outside. Mini split or dehumidify?

    I'm surprised no one knows. Does anyone have suggestions on plants or flowers that help keep the smell covered?
  13. M

    Smell reaching outside. Mini split or dehumidify?

    so I'm noticing a rather familiar smell outside where my mini split is. The drain line for the mini split is used with the drain line for the dehumidifier. I've always been told mini splits can't leak smelly air outside and I thought the same with dehumidifiers. Can people confirm. I'm getting...
  14. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I'm assuming your phone or computer autocorrected they=ph?
  15. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    okay. Sounds good doc. And as far as the ppms rising. Should I be worried about that and try to combat that with a lower ppm or just watch ph rise and know that nutrients are being uptaked.
  16. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So by being at a ph of 5.5-5.7 and never allowing it to swing over 6.0 locked it? It's crazy cuz I've read journals and threads stating they only let their ph swing from 5.5 to 5.8 then drop it back to 5.5 in hydro
  17. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Thanks Also just so I'm clear. The root root locked calcium out which is caused too much calcium in the water and caused a mag defiency right? Because everything happened on the older leaves which indicates mag deficiency. Is this correct?
  18. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So a little update. I added the 75 ml of oxygen booster. Changed res, added hygrozyme and ph has jumped up dramatically Day 1 after res change 5.9 to 6.2 Day 2. 5.9 to 6.4 Day 3 5.9 to 6.2 I know when I add RO water back to the rez I should add 5 ml of calmag but should i be adding...
  19. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So I assume the flush water should be around 5.8-6.2 for this 24hr run?