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  1. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Thats what I've always read but never been able to get that high because I watch the ppms climb and ph drops So ditch the RO water and raise ppms to 800-900? I guess I could try it for a week and see what happens And include the 180 ppms in the 850?
  2. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Lots of different opinions here. Nute burn, under fed and calmag. decisions decisions Ph seems to be stable at 6.0 I added water yesterday so ppms are 550. My tap reads 180ppms. I've considered stopping the ro water too. Might do it the next res change. But the burn/defiency is still gonna be...
  3. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So I know having the full plug has helped contribute or at least contribute speed up my problem. But I'm thinking out loud here. Obviously the last day or two nutrients weren't fed so the plant had to use remaining nutrients in the older leaves to try and stay alive. So if the problem worsened...
  4. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Still wondering what you think the problem is?
  5. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Floranova always stains my roots but I've always had this problem so maybe you're right. I'm giving them a good soaking and I started thinking about it it could have only been a day maybe two because I record how much water the plants drink a day too.
  6. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I'm guessing it happened 3-4 days ago. Damn. I'm spending way too much time at the gf place. I would have caught this if I stayed home the last day or two since you can here web. The pumps kick on. I'm wondering how much I lost on this
  7. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Omg gosh I just checked the roots and my buckets were bone dry under neath which made me start looking and the damn fill plug on my controller bucket came unplugged. I'm trying to remember how many days ago that was. SHITT!!!
  8. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Update: nothing new. Things are getting worse. Ph still drops and ppms are still rising. The affected leaves are now making there way to almost every fan leaf. Ph is 6.03 Ppms 615 Check out this extra crispy leaf
  9. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So I come home to a 88 degree tent with 35 percent humidity. This mini split is causing me issues at least on the dry (dehumidify) setting. I have have to change it back to cool setting obviously
  10. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I changed the settings on the mini split to dry (dehumidify) and temps are 64 and humidity is 59% I'm gonna try and get the temp up a little and humidity lower (around 50%) over the next day or two. I'm hoping that when I move the temp up it doesn't allow the humidity to go up with it but we'll...
  11. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Just checked night time temps and controller read 64 degrees and humidity at 70 :(. Can't have cool Ac without added humidity I guess. I turned up the Ac to 73 degrees from 70 degrees to see if I can meet in the middle. Previously was set to 75 Edit: So if things don't get better we can rule...
  12. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I'll take a look at the roots. For a while there my plants were stretching and acting funny and I realized the roots were trying to grow only between the two buckets so I placed growpots inside the upper bucket to hold the roots inside the top bucket
  13. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Are you saying there is in abundance of calcium because the plants aren't using it due to the ph being below 6.0 which is locking out magnesium causing the rust spots?
  14. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Hmmm in soil maybe, not hydro. Yeah I'll have to start letting the ph start at 6.2 and drift backwards then because even leaving it at 6.0 yesterday it dropped to 5.9 I checked before and the only water I've seen on the leaves is when one touches another. I have a fan in the opposite side of...
  15. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Depending on when and how long the compressor stays on 67-71 degrees. Now that I lowered the Ac temp probably even lower How many mls of calmag equals 10-15ppm? I just necked the temps and with the lights turned off 3 min ago the temp was 72.5 so I assume it was around 74 now with lights on...
  16. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    So I placed the controller probe in the direct center of the tent (between the two lights) and it was reading 84 degrees with the lights being on for about a hour. I dropped the temp on the Ac to 70 (versus 75 what I previously had it on). Seems like every time I add calmag things get worse...
  17. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Not sure. I'm about 5 mls of floranova bloom. And then I added general hydroponics silica 0-0-4 at 2.5 ml per gallon. Recommended strength was 5 ml per gal
  18. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Almost every big older fan leave is now crispy spotted with rust spots facing up :(
  19. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I don't have strips but I might pick some up. It's just really weird since I have plants in veg thriving of of 400 ppms nutes and I can't get my plants to take anything more then 600. I've never ever been able to get to 1000 or higher like some people are getting too :/
  20. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I used strips years and years ago and hats when I was growing soil and even then I didn't know if it was in range or not. Props to you being able to know the color code around 5.8-6.2 cuz 6.5-6.8 was hard enough for me.