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  1. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    day temps are 75~ and nights can get low I saw 59 degrees. Humidity during the day is 50%at most. Usually around 43-45% but at night it was jumping quite a bit. One meter read 59% and another stays at 65% I dropped my dehumidifier down to help at night but I think it's gonna bring day time...
  2. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    My strongest nutes tested at 1.4 so I was off by saying I'm feeding them between 1.6-1.8 ec. I did raise a couple last night to 1.5 and will probably hold there for a while. I'm getting a little tip curling up wards only on the serrated edges. And one leaf is taco'ing which if I read correct...
  3. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    If you read my post you would understand that the plants looked unhealthy to me and the flowers weren't as develop as they should at there age. Also I see drops in my ph when the nutrients are low that's why I was asking with these type of drops should I keep adding more. Plus when I say my ppms...
  4. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    Maybe my post was confusing but the ppm are clearing dropping some by A LOT. from the 27th to the 28th P2 dropped 62 ppms from the 28th to the 29th P4 went from 646 to 596 every plant is dropping. the numbers to the right are adjusted ppms and ph by topping off with nutes. You have to start...
  5. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    Yeah the edges are on old fan leaves not new. That's why I'm leaning towards phosphorous deficiency not over nutes
  6. M

    Transfer shock?

    Okay so when I made a new batch of nutes with 1/4 strength today i lowered the water level. I always thought since the roots were in the water that at least for a little period they should be i the water. Thats the reason why I had the water level so I high. I look into Dutchmaster Zone. Thanks...
  7. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    So I have four DWC plants about 30 days into flowering and for a while (week 2) ph started dropping. I started adding more nutrients because I felt they were low and ph starting rising again daily while ppms drop. I have 3 G13 pineapple express and and a Cheese This is the last 3 days of...
  8. M

    Transfer shock?

    I decided to use the ro h202 bathe that still has chlorine. I figured it better than waitng a day. I also added a bigger air pump because I'm thinking that was part of the problem too
  9. M

    Transfer shock?

    Here are some pics. I'm kinda torn on what to do. I have my RO machine running now which I have about 20 gallons but the water hasent sat out for 24 to let chlorine release. I want to run a h202 bathe. You can see there are some interesting white roots coming out but a lot of the older roots...
  10. M

    Transfer shock?

    I did the first day and I forgot second day and dos third day which was yesterday. I'll take pictures and top them when I get home. I'm gonna have to start the other four plants even though they were my weaker of the 8 jist in case these don't pull through
  11. M

    Transfer shock?

    I always added a few mls of hydro guard. I have 3% h202 I know I fell behind schedule pulling the rooted clients from the bubble closer and just started adding nutrients to them. :/ I know now to pull them quick once a see a few roots poking out the stem
  12. M

    Transfer shock?

    I'll try and snap some pics today Yeah I experimented with two plants. One I pulled a decent amount of roots thru last night and the other I couldn't get a ton but about 3 inches or so The water level was originally right at the bottom of the net pots possibly submerged just so I knew they...
  13. M

    Transfer shock?

    I have the other four sitting in the original tote and they look fine. Could I cut the net pots and drape the roots through back into the water?
  14. M

    Transfer shock?

    So are these plants done? Just take clones and start over? Or can I cut the root mass of and let the plant regrow the roots?
  15. M

    Transfer shock?

    So I had a tote with 8 plants that i use to clone and veg for a little bit. Eventually the roots tangled together. I finally kept the four I want and placed each on in a net pot with hydoton on a five gallon bucket. I had to just wind the roots up at the bottom of the net pot and place hydroton...
  16. M

    grow tent with CO2

    I run c02 in my gorrllia 5x9 tent and also connect that tent to another 4x4 tent. I'm able to keep 1200 ppms and a 20lb tank last me 3-4 weeeks. I also run the sentinal controller. So your correct. The gorrila tent holds in a lot of c02
  17. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I'm thinking I did not have enough nutes in the res which causes the ph drop. I was following the add back formula you provided me and as we all know it decreases the ppms over the course of a week. Well I noticed at a fresh res change I get great ph drift upwards. Towards the end of the week...
  18. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    I have this one.
  19. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Ill look into that tea. Seems legit. It's a sealed tent with Ac and Co2 so no exhaust
  20. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Since my temps in the tent are 73 during the day and 60-63 at night the Water temps drop to 17c with lights off and during lights on 20c at most usually 19c. Roots are turning slightly brown though. *sigh. Only thing I'm having issues with controlling is humidity at night. One reader says 59 on...