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  1. M

    Smell reaching outside. Mini split or dehumidify?

    Just as an update for anybody searching the interwebs. The smell was from the dehumidifier. Unhooked the drain line and allowed it to drain into the bucket and the smell went away.
  2. M

    4 Bucket RDWC (Suggestions encouraged)

    All I used is hydrofarm tubing and if by grommets were talking about bulkhead fittings the. I was using them to. Any type of movement of the bucket to adjust would spring a leak. Also main reason was bigger return lines. I'm not sure they have 1 1/4 bulkhead and tubing but I've never seen them...
  3. M

    4 Bucket RDWC (Suggestions encouraged)

    That's funny the bulkhead fittings and hoses always leaked on me. And I wanted bigger return lines so pvc was my only choice. The intial setup was kinda expensive since the bulkhead fittings are 13 bucks a piece. I did have some leaks until I got smart and wrapped all the pvc connections with...
  4. M

    4 Bucket RDWC (Suggestions encouraged)

    Definitely see what I believe to be root rot on the top of our roots where they come out of the buckets. Maybe it's the pics but I see brown. Maybe that's normal and I admit my last grow had that and I thought it was root rot. My temps never went over 68-70 either. Anyone else have normal...
  5. M

    4 Bucket RDWC (Suggestions encouraged)

    Yeah I started getting copper poisoning when I didn't realize the wart chiller was copper. (Whoops) then I bought stainless steel 50ft (I think might be 25 ft) one and didn't have problems. Man that was so long ago I'm trying to picture how I set it up. I beleive I used a decent size cooler had...
  6. M

    4 Bucket RDWC (Suggestions encouraged)

    I've converted a small dehumidifier into a damn good chiller. I still have it for a back up. Got a sweet deal on a Aqua 1/4hp for 200 and put the diy chiller in the closet. I actually swapped it back into a dehumidifier the other day when I was drying some plants. :). Op sweet setup. I've...
  7. M

    Anybody still use maxibloom these days?

    i was gonna try a round with maxibloom and maybe some booster in flower so I've been reading up on it and the Lucas for mauls calls for 7 grams. He mentions clones and small plants 3.5 grams per gallon? Well I have fresh clones in a bubble cloned now and the EC is crazy high at 3.5 grams. Its...
  8. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    Hey doc, I'm about to run the system for 6 hours (I assume on and off every 15 min so it wil cycle a lot) but I was just wondering if the 280 ml per gallon of 40 % was a typo? I'm hoping you meant 28ml per gallon as I've seen others online success 20ml per gallon. If not, that's a lot of h202...
  9. M

    Setting a new room up. What would you do?

    im having to move things into a built storage closet in my garage and in order to not raise suspsions I would need to buy another indoor mini split unit as a decoy. So apparently father in law is really smart when it comes to house designs since he was a contractor. I have outdoor unit right...
  10. M

    This deficiency happens every cycle

    update: I believe root aphids contributed to my problem. When I tore down the ebb and flow setup i saw tons of gnats looking bugs.
  11. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    I flushed two plants for 24hrs and then did light nutes about 4 days ago. NO change. I also added a good amount of Calmag to the other two at 7ml per gallon instead of 5 mls. Also no change. I'm about done with these plants and ready for the next crop. Just wish I knew what the problems are so i...
  12. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    I read mag defeincy curls up wards like its praying. Not sure if this applies but looks like interveinal chlorosis and rust spots. Also I can't tell if that color dark green is considered bluish. It's shiny as hell though. These blooms nutes are 7-7.5-9 and read p ratio should be 1-3-2 for...
  13. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    I have more leaf curl now since I dropped the nutrients to 1.2 than before. Are the deficient or over nuted.l? I'm tempted to drop it to 1.0 but I'm not sure and don't want to hurt yeild. And just checked ec and ph and all the plants ec is higher than when I checked two days ago. One plant ph...
  14. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    Yeah I've heard that too but my ph would drop a full point from 6.2 to 5.2 in one day last go around. It was horrible. I've also read that ph drop during flower is horse wash and ph should always rise. Luckily mine has been steady raising and I'm day 33 of 63. :) Only difference when it drops...
  15. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    I dropped the ec to 1.2 last night. Will see if I can get ph to drift up at this ec level. I'm hoping I don't get the .8-1.0 swings in ph drift downwards
  16. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    The controller is about canopy level between two lights and it reads 71 degrees so it's I guess 70 is my canopy temp even under the light
  17. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    Thats what I was thinking. Gotta grab an extension cord from Home Depot tomorrow. I turned the dehumidifier to 40% and it's keeping the controller sensor at around 55-60% at most. Here's a pic of the leaf curl I I you grabbed one with the green light at night. . I am suspecting over nuting...
  18. M

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    I do have a controller. I've always wondered if I can connect ithe dehuey straight to the controller. I just didn't know if it would not work correctly since both the controller and the dehumidifier itself would be trying to control the humidity in the room. I know the dehumid blows sometimes...