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  1. Urca

    Why Don't We Worry About The Education System?

    true, but the only way to advance in life is to be educated... sure student loans suck ass but 30 years of paying for an education seems better to me then slaving away at a job for 30 years, never advancing, having to live on the fringes of life, because you cant afford/dont have the education...
  2. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    hey thats true, we can only try to fix what we have now. thump, man, sorry if i offended you, that wasnt my intention
  3. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    hey dude, your "people" roamed this land for centuries? mexicans didnt even exist until like the late 1500's. Native Americans arent even from America, they are asian emigrants from about 15,000 plus years ago... i fucking hate it when mexicans try to say that we stole something from them... it...
  4. Urca

    Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

    the whole thing is, sharon is from a different generation, has different values. and her at least being willing to be friendly and be kind even when it flouts her personal beliefs is a great thing. she just sees it differently from the rest of us. my mom sees it differently from the rest of us...
  5. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    yeah it just pissed me off how so many expect something for nothing.
  6. Urca

    Why Don't We Worry About The Education System?

    lol i am a low income kid, and my education did suck in some areas, due to shitty teachers, but also from a lack of self disapline. if i actually applied myself, I learned lots from my public school
  7. Urca

    What's Your Phobia?

    ah when i was little i used to trip on that little crack between an elevator and the building. always used to high step over it. same with getting on the plane and the crack between the plane and the tunnel, or getting on the monorail at the las vegas airport. one time I took so long trying to...
  8. Urca

    Why Don't We Worry About The Education System?

    ah but education is a universal right. The middle class or the poor would never be able to afford the education of their children. Or if they were able to, it would be a lesser education. when education is made into a business, education fails. It would be the same thing as poor/middle class...
  9. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    haha actually i need to go pick up an application at blockbuster, just my skin condition kinda flared up today and i was ashamed to leave the house, but my whole little vent wasnt about jobs, it was about people breaking the law and being rewarded for it
  10. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    Ok, so, I am a white girl. In California... so obviously my friends are not all white. And that doesnt bug me. They are my friends because they are good people I like to be around. A good percentage of my friends are Mexican. Again, not a problem... its just I get the evil eye every time I say I...
  11. Urca

    Why Don't We Worry About The Education System?

    i thought about being a teacher so I could help with this problem, but its just that I have such a bad temper, it wouldnt be fair to those kids
  12. Urca

    I spoke too soon

    sorry for being a dick on that other thread, and im glad some people here understand
  13. Urca

    Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

    ah the old carradine trick, what a classic
  14. Urca

    Why Don't We Worry About The Education System?

    in another thread a man brought up a great point. why dont we have more programs devoted to improving childhood literacy? shit, or even math/science skills? what they are doing now doesnt work, I know because I've seen little kids who can barely string together a decent sentence or do math or...
  15. Urca

    Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

    absolutely!!!!!! shit just pass the law or ignore it, i'd rather have a generation of children that can actually read! so many kids i went to school with could barely read, or even think analytically. they couldnt read a normal clock, couldnt read anything written in cursive, thought that...
  16. Urca

    60's 70's and 80's Kid's

    my father went to catholic school and he got beat down by the nuns... shit his aunt was one of them. this was in the late 60's when he first started school until about his sophomore year of high school, when he transferred schools to play football. he saw a nun yank out a chunk of a kids hair...
  17. Urca

    Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

    being gay isnt wrong. shit i cannot stand uber flamboyantly gay people, but I still think that they have the right to do as they please, include adopt and be married. just because they choose to let everyone know they are gay in the most obnoxious way possible doesnt mean they are less human...
  18. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    hey i appreciate the offer but that all happened with my dad when I was a little girl. And seriously, I would fuck up for months and just be a little brat then he would snap, but was always fair with his punishments. As for my mom she's a bit more of a spur of the moment emotional hitter, but...
  19. Urca

    I spoke too soon

    been trying to see a dermatologist, because maybe he can give me something stronger and more permanet, but i have to get a referral first and i cant find a doctor who takes my insurance, and i turned 18 so i cant go to my last doctor... ugh...
  20. Urca

    I spoke too soon

    i dont really use that stuff, i have this lotion i got from the doctor, and that works, but since i was running low when this started, i just kept washing my face and microdermbraision scrub... tea tree toner... and i mixed my lotion in with my face wash so that it could be usuable every day...